Incase anyone cares...


New Member
Incase you didn't hear, last month hackers stole the sorce code for HL2 and displayed it on the net... sorces vary but from what I understand... HL2 has been pushed back till 2004.
March 2004 to be exact.

When they stole the source code, they also stole alot of the maps so this "beta" is a very unstable, and possibly unusable at this stage.
I'm sure the forign game companies are all over the source code now because that kind of thing isn't illegal in their countries + they can actualy get something besides Unreal engines for their games for a change =P

gg hackers.
Well, whether the hacker stole the beta and source code - it wasn't his fault that the game is delayed. The game simply was not finished - unless the hacker stole everything and destroyed all copies on servers, deve boxes, in the CVS repository (or where ever they keep their file versions), etc.

The developers simply weren't finished, and perhaps even "staged" this hacker to use it as an excuse. I don't know that for a fact, but who cares? The game wasn't done.