Informal survey (1 question):


New Member
Think back on all the secular titles you've played. What does the Christian Community need in a game that isn't out there now? RPG, more Mario style, you get the idea. Give me some titles you admire. Although we got shooters now feel free to toss them in also. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
You know, I really only want one thing in a Christian game.


Far too often we as Christians do far to little with the quality of our "church/Christian" work. I beleive God demands our best.

Sorry, one of my pet peeves as a Pastor is when churches do just enough and say that is good enough with what we got.

Hmmmmm.....Don't you have the creator of the universe?

Not trying to flame....<puts on fire suit anyway>
couldn't agree more on the "quality" aspect of things, just surveying the market to see where the itch is. My current game may be a bit too strange for folks out there:

(But thanks for the input...)
Speaking professionally (###### Jim, I'm a Designer not a bricklayer!) I would say that the biggest bar going against Christian games right now is the one that Icthus brought up.

Doesn't matter how ideologically pure the game is, if it's pants!
LOL Icthus.  I love it man.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]that is good enough with what we got.  

Hmmmmm.....Don't you have the creator of the universe?

Got me thinking about my own work, you are quite right.  If I got the creator of the universe (so to speak), then, really, is anything simply good enough.  Either it is my best, or it isn't.  And if it isn't my best, it isn't good enough.


What I would like to see in a game:

RTS: Warcraft IV: Armegedon. Control Gods army against Mans Army. Cheese abuse gets you sent to the lake of fire.

FPS: HL Mod: Angels Strike. Set on the fields of Armegedon. You are an angel with a battery of weapons such as a sword of light and the word of God. Smite the demons!!!

The Sims series:
Living in the Millenium.
Living in Eternity
Surviving the Rapture (Were Left Behind?)

Microsoft Zoo Tycoon Addon: Noahs Ark. There are only 8 of you and alot of poop to clean up. Get to work.

Simcity Eternity: The New Jeruselam. Build the 1500x1500x1500 mile city. Streets of Gold, pillars of Jade, a grand and beautiful place. Don't worry about keeping your citizens happy, they already are and will be for eternity.
The quality aspect is the major thing.. Also the way you can give a game a christian persepective without making it totally cheesy (yeah you know what im talking about...cough)
I think the best type of game suited to a christian persepctive is an RPG. I just got morrowind cos i needed a game that would last more than 5 minutes. It would totally lend itself to a christian makeover.

The main problem is getting the idea for the game..sure you could throw together a lame fps and say you are smiting the demons.. but not much effort there really.

Im sure there are plenty of christian programmers out there itching to make a game that revolutionises this part of the industry. Its just a case of getting together, getting a great (and god given) idea.. and running it to the specs that todays gamer requires. (of course they change all the time.. cough... daikatana... cough)

hmm i think i went on a little rant there...
You know I think you all brought up GREAT points. Right now the RPG genre is the "one" I will most likely investigate. Now as to storyline, well leave that to me, I got some resources...

As to my first game, although it only got a C+ rating you might want to look at it. It is based on an analogy of the 7 churches of Revelation 1-3. Each church had its problems and challenge. So each church gets an appropriate enemy, Ephesus had left its first love so I gave it a "clocker" which symbolized us spending time with the Lord. There is even a statue of Hudson Taylor who gives you a quote on quiet time. There is also a complete bible study on the first 3 chapters of Revelation.

In any case, no flames, nothing was too terrible about the rants and THANKS!
Let's just say I'm smarter after 3.5 years of pluckin' away at the program I WAS using then moving it all over to RF (Genesis3D shell). The last part of the development took about 5 months. It consisted of converting stuff over and retooling the look.

But now I have been reading "Acres of Diamonds" and I want to find out where the itch is before I go and blow another 3 years. It isn't that I'm not creative or anything like that Icthus (that wasn't a flame by the way). Rather I want to channel it better this time around.

So far, the RPG's are winning out as far as style. I may still do another crazy shooter, just for fun. But maybe a crazy RPG wouldn't be too bad either.

So thanks CCGR and all who responded...
I say designing a role-playing game is the way to go. If the Final Fantasy series (at least, after FF6) can shove Eastern religion down our throats, I figure we can come up with someone decent, too.

I once came up with the basic outline for a Christian console RPG...but figured it would take many years, many designers, and many, MANY hours of writing to complete. I still feel confident that it could be a terrific game but just don't have the time (or talent and practical experience) to see it through.

EDIT: By the way, mjbee, I think using humor is a terrific idea. Too many Christian games are too serious for their own good.
I'm busy researching different engines to use. Nothing is "easy". It's either a lot of work to refit the engine with scripting or the owners are very vague on licensing cost.

The one engine I know pretty well right now is Reality Factory ( Its basically a FPS system but with a lot of RPG elements that I can add to it. It features the following:

1. Inventory
2. Customize and add attributes
3. Absolutely brilliant conversation system

What it lacks (or I haven't discovered it yet) is a way to set the player's attributes at gametime.

heh, heh, on humor; couldn't agree with you more! My first venture into Gamemaking with 3DGS was a "serious" attempt at making what I thought was a game. Thankfully a friend (a non-christian) of mine told me "Marty, you cannot do the dark stuff, it ain't in you" and "crazy, weird and funny you can do..." So rev7 took on the look it has now...