Insane numbers


New Member
These are insane numbers for me, but from what I hear from end game raid guilds, its pretty low. But still, insane for our guild.

Plus 2210 healing

814 / 359 mana per 5 regen


1310 renew tick on a lvl 69 warrior. There was a buff involved that increased healing affects by 50% involved. Still, all I did was renew most of this instance to heal it. The warrior was flipping out everytime we pulled two groups in the camp and even still, I found it hard to use more then 25% of my mana. Even using just renews I was able to pull agro of the tank. But then, they probably aren't used to having a healer who's renews can tick as large as many new 70s or healers their ranges heals will land for.

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