Interested in a software review?


New Member
I was just wondering whilst visiting ccgr like i always do
Any one here interested in a review of Powerstrip, a software that overclocks your videocard? I don't know if many people use it, but it's useful for gamers who wants to push the card a bit harder. I use it myself, and mebe if there are enough interest, i could add it in
I'm interested, I've been thinking about using this program for some time, just don't know too much about it. I'd say go for it, i'll definitely read it. Good luck!

Ok Cool, i submitted it. It's like my 3rd review done (2 on other sites) so it may not be great, but i did submit it. See how it turns out
Since i included a downloadable link on it, i think you'll be able to download it through there. (newest version 3.47) If you have any questions/comments i'll be happy to answer. Private message (PM) me, or post in the CCGR forums.
whilst??? are u from Britian or somethin? and ive never heard of the chip, sounds good.
lol i learn that from a book
i think the writer was british. Oh and I'm asian

Hey when do i get the be the reviewer staff for the CCGR
just wondering.
write one more review and I'll admin ya and offer you an e-mail address. 2 reviews is the magic number because many people only do one
lol ok
I'll see what i can do. Oh one thing, i don't think i need an email address since Tek and others got me a email address. Thanks though