Interesting announcement!!

Is that for real? I just spent an hour on that website and didn't see that! Guess I'll know tomorrow!
I got up early to check my box and nothing :( Oh well, maybe I'll have a nice surprise waiting when I get home from work!!
I did not see anything in my email inbox... and all they had on the warhammer website is what looks like strategy books.

I dont get it.
I have had a bunch of stuff from Mythic today.

The website is a place holder for an up coming announcement....

It looks to be pretty big too.

My guess is it will be about Open Beta starting in two weeks.
Mythic News:

Due to the impending release of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King and the lack of new subscribers to WAR we have decided to cut our losses and cancel the game.
When you come to WAR Sandric, along with all the other WOW people, you'll need a new signature, as there are no paladins in WAR.

Youll have to be a level 12 something else.
/waits for WAR to come out and watch everyone flock to Runescape...?
AAaaarrrghh!! It now says "watch this space starting 6 Aug" instead of "5 Aug".

I'm sure it said had to have said 5.... said coming out on the 4th, on the day of the 4th and then later that day it changed to the its changed again to the 6th. Think their just reaching to string along all of the hopefuls.
Watch this space for information on the Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
Pre-order program starting when Duke Nukem Forever is released!

Why Mythic, WHYYYYY?!
Experience the glory of battle and the thrill of WAR before the game goes live.

The Open Beta will be level capped and content restricted. You will be allowed to choose any of the game's 20 unique careers and advance through rank 20. You will also be free to explore and battle across Tiers 1 and 2 of each army's homeland. Please note that any characters created during the Open Beta will NOT carry over into the live game as they will be wiped from the servers.

To register for Open Beta:

1. After August 15, 2008 visit the Mythic Entertainment Account Management website.
2. Create a new Warhammer Online game account.
3. When prompted, enter your Open Beta code.

Your Open Beta code can be found on the card in your pre-order box or in your pre-order confirmation email. Open Beta files will be available for download on August 15th. Stay tuned for more details.

***Looks like we have to be patient only until the 15th!! :)
Gamestop better send me my codes by then! When I pre-ordered in stores, they didn't have them to give me so I sent their help/support an email and they're going to mail it to me. RAWR! X_x