Interesting update


New Member
Have you guys noticed the latest update? It has a few interesting/welcome fixes:

Added a gear symbol behind the health bar for Engineer buildings, in both target IDs and freeze panels

Players killing themselves will now give a kill credit to the last enemy who damaged them

Fixed grenades, rockets, and flamethrower being able to fire through grates at round starts

Removed health bonus from the Backburner

Full list here:

I love that they fixed the soldier/demo (sometimes) accidental suicide problem. :D
Wow, sweet. ^_^

Someone try the Kritz on TOJ, I think it's enabled now. :O
I just mucked around on the server now, doesn't seem to be the case. Kritz are still disabled. Anyone else notice anything?

I like the adjustment on the backburner. We'll see if it helps balance it at all.
I just mucked around on the server now, doesn't seem to be the case. Kritz are still disabled. Anyone else notice anything?
Server hadn't been updated yet. I just took care of it. Server's up to date now.
That explains why TF2 had to update when I turned on my computer.

Those sound like some good changes. The Backburner did seem a little too powerful, and I think credit really needs to be given to the last person to damage someone who kills themselves.
While I felt the backburner should be nerfed I would have preferred it changed in another way than they, predictably, did. Pryos need more survivability and less "I am a spy" in them. I think the backburning detection area should have been widened a bit and changed to a +health gain on backburn (maybe self buffing too) gaining them better survivability ambushing large parties. While the +50 max health still should have been removed or lessened.

The players killing themselves giving a credit to the last enemy who damaged them is going to pay off for me. Many times as a spy I've deliberately hugged demos and soldiers to death. all beat me to posting and I had it all typed out before I saw this thread T_T but yes some good tweaks in this update.
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I play pyro pretty regularly, and did so even before the unlockables came out, and I'm VERY glad they nerfed the backburner. The pyro is meant to be an ambush/harassment class and not a front-line attacker class, which is what it turned into with +50 HP. Now all the noob pyros out there won't get the easy kills by running straight up to people holding down mouse1 anymore.
Im liking this update, it got annoying seeing medic pyro combos just destroy everything with the back burner. I have been practicing with the compression blast gun myself to get used to it. heh now when I accidentally kill myself as demo someone is gonna get credit :(
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