Is it still worth getting into the game?


Active Member
I am looking to maybe get into this game a bit. Been reading up on it, and it looks like I may enjoy it a bit. Is it too far I to enjoy at this point?
Enjoyment is gong to be based on your personal preference. The base (vanilla) game has lots to do, whether it's designing massive structures, creating "artwork", or fighting off hordes of zombies, skeletons, and creepers - it really depends on whether you are an architect, artist, fighter, etc.

Once you become generally familiar with the game, there is a HUGE modding community out there. Of special note:

* Tekkit/Technic -
* Feed The Beast -

Both of these add-ons provide a mod management application and several pre-defined mod packs. They are both free, but do require the base Minecraft game to use.

Mods can do a number of different things. Some focus on industrialization and machinery - automating tasks like cooking and crafting. Some focus on epic storage mechanisms to sort and hold all the stuff you hoard (and these mod packs add a LOT of new stuff to get your hands on). Some focus on warfare and combat (M16s and grenades). Still others focus on magic and spellcasting. There are mods that affect the world by adding new climates (not just desert, plains, and forest, but cherry blossom groves, glacier, evil bog, etc). These mods are published and widely used, but are constantly being added and updated to provide even more content.

Is it too late? Not at all - but your enjoyment of it is going to be based on whether you find something in the game that piques your interest. If you're a die-hard, won't-play-anything-but FPS gamer, there's not a lot in it for you. But if you like legos, survival-based games, or "engineering" in general, you will likely find something fun to do.

And I didn't even mention the multiplayer aspect. Doing all of this on your own is all well and good, but getting a friend to work alongside you makes the game that much more enjoyable. Getting a BUNCH of friends hanging out together - makes the game pretty stinkin' awesome - enough so, that I could be content just hoeing some dirt and watching wheat grow.

My two cents...
I am looking to maybe get into this game a bit. Been reading up on it, and it looks like I may enjoy it a bit. Is it too far I to enjoy at this point?

Minecraft doesn't follow the typical hype-release-frenzy-atrophy progression that most games do because it is still being developed (as it has for the last 3? years). Mojang is continually adding new features to the game to make it more interesting, be it new mobs, ores, items, or game modes. So you need not worry about buying it and finding out that everyone else stopped playing. :) Also, worlds are restarted periodically, be it from new resources/biomes being added or server file corruption from crashes. Our current world is fairly young, so you don't have to walk far to find a place to settle down and start creating.

You can download the demo to try it if you aren't sure if you'll enjoy the game.

If you're wondering about the community of players, yes, there are still a huge number of people playing overall. When there are still 10,000 people buying Minecraft each day, it's safe to assume it is still active (estimate based on purchases over this weekend when the game hit the 14,000,000 milestone for PC/Mac sales). :) Our server has a few regulars on frequently, but there are other secular servers that have lots of people on constantly. A lot of the time spent in Minecraft is going to be doing things on your own anyway, so if there isn't anyone else on, it doesn't detract from the game much. You'll just have to wait until later to brag about your newest accomplishment. :)

Edit: Jgouldie responded while I was typing this up, and I agree with him. The mods can drastically change the game, and new mods are always coming out. Plus, we will eventually get the much-anticipated plugin API, and then modding will really skyrocket. This game is going to be around a long time!
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How active is the minecraft server in terms of total players and normal number of players on at any time?

What mods does the minecraft server use?

How often does the minecraft server reset?

These would be helpful questions to answer for a person wanting to know if it's too late to buy the game and get into it.

There are a lot of servers out there and even some clean/Christian servers out there. Player turn over is an issue as the game does tend to get a bit boring and repetitious for most people. As stated, mods will make a large difference to the game.

If you liked Legos as a child (or even now) or you like sandbox/ building/ design it yourself type games, BUY THIS GAME. You will love it. If not, still buy it. It will still be worth the money for all the different game modes and variety available because of the different mods out there. Puzzles, sports games, Dungeon adventure, deathmatch, etc.
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For those server and web-gurus, I wonder if we could implement some sort of tracking system that reports the number of players logged in over time (reported every 15-60 minutes, and retained for maybe 2-4 weeks?). We don't need specifics (like WHO was logged in), but just a simply activity chart showing when the most likely time to encounter people will be.

Personally, I most enjoy working closely with 1-3 other people, pooling resources, with each of us focusing on a particular thing (building, farming, automating, etc). It's nice to see the rapid progress this kind of cooperation brings, and things don't get lonely or stale quite as quickly.

I haven't quite found that level of "companionship" on the CC server, but honestly, I haven't spent a great deal of time there to develop those relationships, so I only blame myself. I've made a couple of attempts to start up a farming settlement, but I find a lot more excitement in industrialization and automation - and to my knowledge, the CC server doesn't currently offer a lot of mods that specialize in these areas. I'm a HUGE fan of the Direwolf20 Let's Play series on YouTube - the author provides a professional and family-friendly look into several different mods, and even plays on a multiplayer server with the mod developers - showing how to really harness the power of the items in those mods. Once you get serious about trying out some of the mods in Minecraft, I highly recommend looking at his Let's Play series - it makes for a great tutorial, albeit somewhat fast-paced...

Going back to the "too late" question - you don't necessarily need to join a dedicated server for multiplayer. blsimpson and I ran a "semi-private" multiplayer server for a while (open to anyone, but not necessarily advertised), where we dug into some of the high-tech mods, explored a bit of magic, and had a pretty decent time (until we grew to the point where lag became a problem from all the automation). If you want to branch out and do something that's not necessarily available on the CC server, it's possible to host your own multiplayer server. Keep in mind that the more mods and players you have, the more memory and network resources it takes - plus, the server has to be available on the internet to connect to - and while I've never heard of anyone exploiting a Minecraft server, punching holes in a firewall does open up your system to some extent...

I'm not suggesting that you run off and do your own multiplayer, and completely forego the fellowship on a server - I just wanted to let you know that there are different ways to play multiplayer, so if you can't find the world you're looking for, nothing is stopping you from creating that world yourself. As for finding a population to play with - that's your "problem" :) It's fun to do on a short-term basis, but nothing beats the fellowship and longevity of a populated, established, and dedicated server.

Edit: I've joined a few servers run by Christian groups, and I often get them confused. Regardless, it's been a while since I've found a server with the mods I desire AND a consistent and close-knit group of people to play with. I want my cake, and eat it too, I suppose. Perhaps if I made myself more available, I would find what I'm looking for - but that requires time, a commodity I've been severely lacking of late....
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Sorry, Wolfeman, but I haven't been on the CC server in quite a while, so I can't provide answers to those questions. For those server and web-gurus, I wonder if we could implement some sort of tracking system that reports the number of players logged in over time (reported every 15-60 minutes, and retained for maybe 2-4 weeks?). We don't need specifics (like WHO was logged in), but just a simply activity chart showing when the most likely time to encounter people will be.

Look in my signature. ;)
Its already been stated, so I wont talk to much about it, but yes, this is not the CC forums, its the ToJ forums, which is a member of the CGA. :)

As for if its worth it to get into it now, I would whole heartily say YES! As others have mentioned, things are always changing, and the beauty of a game like this, is if you get bored with one world, just start another, and its a whole new adventure.

I haven't been around very much lately (again), but I do enjoy playing still. I seem to go on spats, where I heavily play for a long time, then kind of taper off, and do other things, then come back strong cause I miss it, and the fellowship of everyone that plays.
I have deleted and cleaned up posts to keep this on topic. This is not the thread to talk about likes and dislikes of our server.

Please keep it on topic.