Israel at war.


New Member
Since nobody else has dared to bring up the subject, allow me to be the first. In case you have been living under a rock and have not seen the news, doubtful..., Israel is in yet another fight for its existence. Being a believer in Gods promise to Israel, I know that none of Israel's enemies will prevail. She has been restored to the land, and will never be removed again. However that does not mean that the people who live and work there wont come under any harm. Im attaching a copy of an email I was sent from the man who was a tour guide on my parents trip over there. This needs to be seen and read. We should all be praying for those who are living under the shadow of Katyusha and Kassam rockets. Israel is OUR homeland, being a Christian means you have been grafted into Gods promise of redemption for His people. Rejoice in that! It only takes a minute to say a prayer for our brothers and sisters, please do so.

The man who sent this is named Etti. Pronounced "E" "TIE"
Dear all,shalom.

I trust all is well with each one of you.

I'm writing just to inform you that what you hear about the war here is much greater than what is reported in your media.

I'd like to share with you some of the aspects of this war and ask you to pray for them if I may.

In the last 4 days northern Israel has been shelled from Lebanon by a few kinds of missiles day and night - at least 700 of them.They fall all the way from the east to the west and down to Tiberius and Haifa.

We have a lot of casualties, as no doubt the Lebanese also do.

There is a lot of damage, fires everywhere, some fear and worry. There is no hysteria though which is amazing. The authorities instruct us all the time what to do and it's very orderly, quiet and reassuring.

We are called to be on the alert even in Tel-Aviv now.

The hospitals are functioning well but some of them are under fire all the time.

More than 1 million people are confounded to shelters in the north for day and night. People cab shop only when it's permitted by the authorities. Many of them are children since it is the summer holiday here.

The missiles don't distinguish between Jews and Arabs and both groups are affected but mainly the Jews.

At the moment there is heavy shelling on Haifa. In this area we have our oil refineries, Petro-chemical industries and some important and very sensitive bases of the army.Needless to say the shelling there can turn into a great disaster for the whole region.

Iran has its advisers in Lebanon helping the Hezbollah and directing all the shelling.

The believers are in contact with one another trying to pray and encourage one another all the way through. Many are on their own and fellowship and all meetings have been stopped for the last few days.

We are told that the authorities were prepared for such a war but in reality the common people in the street were not.

The Hezbollah threatens to shell as far as Beer-Sheva. Their missiles are more destructive than they were before (they fill them with metal pieces and everything else as they use to put in their suicide bombs in the past) with the aim of killing as many as possible in each hit.

The IDF (Israeli Army) is stretched to its capacity both in Gaza and Lebanon but it is clear that our government and army don't have all the answers.

No doubt It's a good time to share the gospel and we pray all of us can do it boldly.

We, the people of Israel, the Palestinians in Gaza and the people of Lebanon desperately need as much prayer as possible.

Would you stand with us in these difficult days?

We who are saved know the Lord has a plan and in His sovereignty He will accomplish every detail of it. He is on His throne and his goodness and holiness are such an encouragement for us as the war is worsening here. Many millions unsaved in our area don't know it and how we pray for His move in their midst these days.

Many thanks and lots of love,


God is moving through Israel and preparing them. He is preparing them to once again embrace Him as a nation. The dry bones have been revived and the body is awaiting the breath of the spirit.
Wow, that gave me chills as I was reading through it. I will be praying. We have family in Egypt who just informed us that since the egyptians have been borrowing from the US and not paying there debt that the US has begun garnishing there wages and will continue until the debt is payed....which means uncertain times for Americans there.
I am almost speechless (which is unusual...;) . We all know that it is worse than reported, but hearing about it first hand brings a stronger sense of reality to the situation. Thank you for the post. We (my family and church) have been praying and will continue to do so.
The only reason i can take comfort in this is to know that this is part of God's plan. The middle east has become hard at heart, hopefully this war will bring about a decisive change. Also make sure to pray for our leaders, as their decisions can involk how this conflict will phase in the coming months.
There won't be peace until after it gets much worse, I'm afraid. Not until He comes back.

vibrokatana said:
The only reason i can take comfort in this is to know that this is part of God's plan. The middle east has become hard at heart, hopefully this war will bring about a decisive change. Also make sure to pray for our leaders, as their decisions can involk how this conflict will phase in the coming months.
Wow perfect time for someone to step up and become a World Hero. Cannot help but think of Bible Prophesy on this one. What a better way than for someone to come in and bring peace and unite the world and form that terrible One world Government.
one2dredd said:
Wow perfect time for someone to step up and become a World Hero. Cannot help but think of Bible Prophesy on this one. What a better way than for someone to come in and bring peace and unite the world and form that terrible One world Government.
My thoughts exactly!
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I think I shall keep my knees firmly planted and my eyes on the sky....

I have been listening to a talk radio and am constantly reminded that we are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you" Seems like we (Christians) have our orders :D

We too have friends that live outside of Tel Aviv. I don't think my mom has heard from them since this started, but I will have to follow up and see if there are any updates from her.

Here is a good article that is from Arutz Sheva. Arutz Sheva is an Israeli news outlet. I would have copied and pasted the whole thing, but it is copy writed. I have included a link to the page. This was written by a Rabbi and well worth the read. It will only take a minute or two to read, but the insight he provides as to the timing and the nature of this conflict is quite amazing.
War - Beyn HaMeitzarim 5766
vibrokatana said:
The only reason I can take comfort in this is to know that this is part of God's plan.

I don't mean to get completely off topic, but I'm kind of confused.

At my church we were discussing Biblical warfare (intense stuff) and part of that is knowing that the Earth belongs to Satan. We gave it to him after the first sin. Therefore, Satan is the one causing all the troubles. He's the reason your friend was killed by a hit and run and the reason your mom has cancer. God has no desire to allow that, but must in order to keep the idea of love alive.

So the way I see it, all this stuff happening in Israel is Satan's doing (all the anger, the fighting, the hate), however I know that God is going to use it for good (as he always does with tragedy).

Am I right in my reasoning? Or am I just one pistachio short of a nutcase? Let me know what you guys think.

Satan is going to loose and has already lost, no matter what God prevails. All we know is that a leader will rise up bringing peace(and corruption). Id recommend getting a good translation("The Message" pwns) and reading revelations, spend some time and try to discern the meaning behind all of the figures.

I just pray that God takes us before the plagues hit. My feeling is that the war will come and the aftermath is the plagues. Flesh biting locust just isnt my thing...

Now i want to read revelations again :(

I know of a couple of prophecies in revelations that have already come true.
Another e-mail update

Here is another e-mail update I just recieved from my Rabbi at the Messianic congregation I attend.

Dear Gabe,

Please commit to praying daily or more often for Israel and our people during this current crisis. Please read the below request from Eitan Shishkoff.

Eitan is the leader of five congregations throughout the Haifa area of Israel, one fellowship being in Nazareth.
Prayer Request from Eitan Shishkoff

Dear Intercessors,

The Book of Esther focuses on the attempt of Persia (Iran!) to wipe out the Jewish people. An unchangeable edict is made demanding their destruction. The power and authority of the Persian Empire is aimed at (exiled) Israel's total destruction. This attempt is foiled when the King's wife, whose Jewish identity has been hidden, appears before the king after calling her people to a breakthrough fast.

In the process, Esther's mentor Mordechai utters these immortal words:

1. The principality seeking Israel's destruction was Persia---modern day Iran.
2. Esther, representing believers in Israel's God (Yeshua's true followers of today), had a choice whether to speak up, identifying with the Jews, or be silent.
3. The cost of not speaking up and interceding for the salvation of the Jews at a time of catastrophic danger, would be their own demise.
4. Implied in Esther's timing and availability was the dimension of God sovereignly choosing her to bring God's deliverance.
5. Esther went before the King, who alone had the authority to stop the murderous attack upon the Jews. Being his bride (!) she had favor.

Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king's palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Esther 4:13,14

Here are some gripping parallels with Israel's situation. Beloved friends, I believe this comparison is given for our instruction and inspiration. Those who love Yeshua must now arise and go before the King to secure Israel's physical and spiritual deliverance. I cannot possibly write these words or send out this e-mail fast enough to keep up with the developments in the war on my nation of Israel. The entire region around Haifa is under bombardment. Many 100's of rockets have fallen throughout northern Israel, the Galilee, where I and thousands of Messianic believers live, work and worship. Akko, Upper Nazareth, Tiberias area, Haifa and the Kryot (nearest the large oil refinery Hizbollah is targeting)----these are the exact locations of the congregations I serve. Towns that have never been hit this way, or at least not for decades, are experiencing the wickedness of Hizbollah, propelled to this madness by Iran (Persia). Israeli citizens have been killed in their own homes, after our government has gone to sacrificial extremes to withdraw from conflict. But conflict is obviously not withdrawing from us.

In recent years the Spirit of God has been arousing believers on every continent to love and pray for Israel. It would seemthat you have been brought to the Kingdom for just such a time as this, when there is a life and death need to intercede before the King for Israel's enemies to be destroyed. How then, shall we pray? Here are a few simple suggestions. May God guide you and take you to an unprecedented place of identification with Israel, intimacy with Himself and intensity in spiritual warfare.

* LET GOD ARISE. LET HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED; LET THOSE ALSO WHO HATE HIM FLEE BEFORE HIM. (Psalm 68:1) - This is God's battle. Let us call on Him who loves Israel and has established her for His testimony in the earth. We can authoritatively pray confusion and dissolution upon Israel's enemies.

Pray utilizing passages like Isaiah 41:8-14 in which God makes clear that He has brought Jacob back to his land and that He will uphold us with His righteous right hand. Those who were incensed against you shall be ashamed and disgraced; they shall be as nothing, and those who strive with you shall perish. Isaiah 41:11 It is entirely biblical and would grab the attention of our nation if this war were to be decided through overtly miraculous intervention on God's part. Let us pray so.

* SALVATION BELONGS TO THE LORD. YOUR BLESSING IS UPON YOUR PEOPLE. (Psalm 3:8) - This entire chapter is vividly relevant to our situation. It also speaks of the danger we are in, of God arising and of the enemy being broken. But God's interest is always ultimately in the salvation of His people. How shall we look to Him whom we have pierced (Zechariah 12:10) unless we are surrounded by enemies and pressed to look beyond our previous national conclusions about who or what Messiah is. It is time to pray for our eyes to be opened to Yeshua. This is not the final battle, but it is a prelude. Please pray for fresh BOLDNESS, FAITH, LOVE, UNITY and the SUPERNATURAL LEADING of the SPIRIT for all of Israel's Messianic believers.

* BUT YOU, O LORD, ARE A SHIELD FOR ME, MY GLORY AND THE LIFTER OF MY HEAD. (Psalm 3:3) - Clearly, we need god to be our shield. Some missiles have been falling into the Mediterranean Sea. Another hit a grove of trees inside a very crowded residential/commercial area in Haifa. I just spoke with the leader of the Akko Messianic congregation who told me that the 3 story building that was destroyed in Haifa today was EMPTY! He said a synagogue in Akko was wiped out only 10 minutes after its worshipers walked out. Angelic protection is an established reality in the history of Israel's conflicts...both in bible times and in recent history such as the Six Day War in '67. Father, we call upon you to release angelic hosts to deflect weapons aimed against us and to place shields over our soldiers and over our citizens. And may those who are truly innocent in the territory we are having to counter-attack be spared as well.

Eitan Shishkoff Tents of Mercy (Ohalei Rachamim)

Your commitment & prayer for Israel is a real blessing!

Blessings in Messiah Yeshua, Gavri'el

Gavri'el (Cameron) Bryars
Yeshua Ha'Mashiach & Congregation Beth Ha'Mashaich

tjguitarz said:
At my church we were discussing Biblical warfare (intense stuff) and part of that is knowing that the Earth belongs to Satan. We gave it to him after the first sin. Therefore, Satan is the one causing all the troubles. He's the reason your friend was killed by a hit and run and the reason your mom has cancer. God has no desire to allow that, but must in order to keep the idea of love alive.

So the way I see it, all this stuff happening in Israel is Satan's doing (all the anger, the fighting, the hate), however I know that God is going to use it for good (as he always does with tragedy).

Am I right in my reasoning? Or am I just one pistachio short of a nutcase? Let me know what you guys think.
tjguitarz: You presented some interesting and difficult questions in your last post. To help fuel discussion and healthy debate (and help keep this thread on topic), you might want to quote your post in a new thread in the Religious Discussion forum.
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Well, here's more "inside view." I work for a printing company owned by a Lebanese man and his American wife; his brother also works here.

The brother visited Lebanon in May, so this is really hitting home. He also lived in Beirut in the late seventies and eighties. His parents and family now live near Tripoli.

According to him (through his parents), the prices on everything have tripled; everyone is constantly scared. His parents can see the Israeli blockade from their home, since it's on the hillside overlooking the coast.

It's a measure of the nation's desperation that Lebanese are flocking to Syria to escape. Most Lebanese are strongly, strongly anti-Syrian; my coworker hates Syrians–all Syrians–because of the war he lived through. (But obviously it isn't the average Syrian that has caused the troubles.)

Of course, with so many Lebanese in their country now, Syria has a hold on Lebanon. So that adds another level of terror for the people.

Who is to blame? From what I'm hearing, the Lebanese people believe that their governement isn't strong enough to rout Hezbollah because of Syrian backing of the terrorists. These are the results of a poll from Aljazeera.
Who do you think is mainly to blame for the current Middle East crisis?
Hezbollah : 24%
Iran and Syria : 22%
Israel : 30%
Lebanon : 1%
United States : 12%
All of the above : 11%
None of the above : 0%

Number of pollers : 93805
That comes out to 46% Hezbollah or Iran/Syria vs. 42% Israel or United States, with 11% blaming everyone. From Aljazeera's English site.
This is an exciting time to be alive. I don't think it's the start of the New World Order, but I can see God working here. It's an excuse for Israel to take out Hezbollah and a chance for the Lebanese people to kick those bums out of their country. It's also another excuse for the world opinion to go against Iran and let us take out Iran's nuclear program.

One thing that would definitely have me convinced this is the beginning of the end is if the Qubbat al-Sakhra gets destroyed, and the place is left to Israel to build on. I hope to see the temple rebuilt in my lifetime, I know Israel is ready for it. We are so close, but so much prophesy between then and now. Plus, the US needs to be taken out of the picture, so maybe this is the start of that.
Taliesin said:
This is an exciting time to be alive. I don't think it's the start of the New World Order, but I can see God working here. It's an excuse for Israel to take out Hezbollah and a chance for the Lebanese people to kick those bums out of their country. It's also another excuse for the world opinion to go against Iran and let us take out Iran's nuclear program.

One thing that would definitely have me convinced this is the beginning of the end is if the Qubbat al-Sakhra gets destroyed, and the place is left to Israel to build on. I hope to see the temple rebuilt in my lifetime, I know Israel is ready for it. We are so close, but so much prophesy between then and now. Plus, the US needs to be taken out of the picture, so maybe this is the start of that.

Yes it is an exciting time to be alive. However I do think this is a MAJOR escalation of the third World War to bring about a world leader to solve all the worlds problems, aka anti-messiah. The time we are living in was described by Jesus as the "birth" pains. If you have ever witnessed childbirth, I have praise the Lord!, the pains come faster and faster. I really think that prophecies will be being fulfilled faster than we can keep up with very soon. We already have alot in place and fulfilled, the biggest is Israel being back in the land. Jesus prophesied that the generation who saw that fulfilled would see His second coming. That happened in 1948. Im not sure how long a generation was back then, but we are coming up on the 60 year mark. Its already happening fast, and its gonna start to happen faster. Hang on for the ride. At least we know how it all ends!
Amen, Arkanjel. I definitely can see that scenario, but I think a few things have to happen to get the religious culture ready for the Anti-Christ. It is definitely going to happen in our lifetimes. As for the generation issue, that's a tough thing to judge. For all we know they are starting the countdown from the last Jews coming into Israel from Ethiopia. (Yes, I know there are many Jews still around the world, but it is the consolidation of the 12 tribes that I believe signals Israel's reunion with it's homeland.)
I have a Lebanese friend who temporarily returned to Lebanon for a wedding. I have not heard from him from overseas for some time, and I worry for his safety, please pray for him.
Toi MaidMirawyn,

Not to just shoot down your post about the polls, however you do know the Aljazeera is nothing more than a front that militant Islam uses to front its propoganda to the Arab world right?

It is not surprising that that the polls shows Israel most to blame. To say that Aljazeera is an unreliable source would be just as much of an under-statement as saying the New York times is only kind of anti-American.

As well, we know from scripture there will not be peace betweeb the Arab peoples and the Hebrew peoples until the Lord returns:

Genesis 16: 11-12

11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.

12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

Ishmael was the first Arab, half Hebrew and half Egyption. And thus we see the Bible once again proved right through history. If the Arabs were not fighting the Jews, there were fighting each other, history in a nut shell.

Israel will not have peace with the Arab people until one of two things happens:

1.) They wipe them off of the face of the Earth completely, a la the Inhabitants of Canaan by God's decree when the Hebrews were moving into the promise land.


2.) The Lord returns.

I support full and decisive use of force on the part of Israel to re-claim the land that was promised to them through Abraham. Heres hoping Israel tells the UN to bug if when they win yet another war (not initiated by themselves) and are then told to give land back which is rightfully theirs.