job job job job job job job job


New Member
Just figured I'd update y'all on the job search. I got offered a job at Wachovia as a teller (/shudder) and have since turned it down. During all the meetings they talked about how tellers make a certain amount of money but when I got the offer letter they ended up low-balling me and offering me $10.50 an hour which isn't enough to live or pay for a place to live with. Soooo... I turned em down.

On more encouraging news though I've had 2 interviews with a company in Atlanta that is looking to fill a graphic design/public relations job that would be perfect for me. It is down to being between me and 2 other people and I'm just waiting to hear back from the lady doing the hiring. If yall could pray over that.. it would be awesome. Working there would be enough money, would be doing what I love to do, and would make it so I could live near Ashley so we could see each other more than once a week.

And I also come bearing gifts.... if anyone wants a new background for their desktop (this one is designed to fit a widescreen macbook) here is something I designed last week.
You've certainly got the talent (new pic is on my desktop right now ^_^)

Go get 'em, Bill! We're all rooting for you!
Praying bro

Also, that background is awesome I loaded it onto my dekstop. Do you have anything like it in a 1920x1080 resolution?
$10.50 is something though. Praying for God's will on your job search.
Bill I will commit to pray for you 3 days a week very specifically during the mornings - so let me know! You can PM me any details that need praying for if need be :)