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New Member
Hiya all. I have had to stop doing my small part-time jobs for a number of reasons and am now in the process of looking for a job.

Could i ask you all to pray that i find the right job and get in a place that i can server god and improve my gifts for him. also a place where i have the means and finance to do all the other stuff i need to do, like toj and visiting my gf.

I know its in gods hands and that he has been there before us, but im still quite stressed about it
I now have a job.. i went to a job agency place and they were superb to me. They set me up in a temp job doing 5hrs a day while they do all the job searching for me and hopefully get me into a design based job..

God is truly excellent and has been there for me more times than i can say. He deserves all the credit for this
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