Joining Redeemed


New Member
As some of you may have noticed various threads throughout the Tribe of Judah forums as I've been looking for a place to call home. As a fellow avid gamer, and more importantly a brother in the Lord Jesus Christ I have been looking for a place to have fun and fellowship. Originally my hope was to join a horde guild, but since those all seem to be out of commission my options are either alliance, or solo. Since we all know iron can't sharpen itself and it needs iron to sharpen iron, I figured well alliance isn't such a horrible trade off.

The only catch, well I still have yet to purchase the cataclysm game. Once I finish my 10 day trial and make my decision to commit to playing WoW again after over a year long break I hope to join your ranks. Regardless I look forward to the friendly discussion among the boards here and Godly fellowship among brothers and sisters in Christ.
First of all - love the avatar!

We'd be glad to have you join Redeemed! I'm sorry to had to join Alliance, but glad you're willing to do so!

Guild leaders are myself, Shagz, and Mcfierce - or if you can't find us online, you can /who Redeemed and ask any member to have an officer get in touch with you.

You might also find me on my warrior Proginoskes. Let me know if you have any questions about the guild, or just post here.

(If you're reading our stickies, we're in the middle of a long overdue update to them)
The only problem with Alliance - gnomes.

I came from Horde, love it here though. Even Flame.

Smelly gnome.

And yea, props to the avatar. THUNDERCATS, HOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Awesome! I usually go by some form of Lygernight. The exception is a gname name I made called dustybottom. Cuz well he's short and has a dusty bottom and it makes me laugh when he runs. I look forward to getting to know all of you.


When I was in college, we played intramural soccer, and we named our team the Thundercats. My roommate had black t-shirt uniforms made up with that very logo. Every game we would give the girls a portable cd player, with a cd of the Thundercats theme song and the "RAWR" sound. They were instructed to play the theme song throughout our warm-up time, and to play the RAWR sound every time we scored a goal.

It. Was. Awesome.