Joining the Marines

Taledin, I can speak Truthfully to you as I spent a vast Majority of my working Career in the US ARMY, I am not PRO Military, although I am Retired. If this is what YOU want to do and the Reason is Good enough for you to Join then by all means Go for it, realize a few things first, The Marines are THE FEW and THE PROUD, doesn't matter which branch of service you will Give up a lot of personal Rights that most Civilians take for Granted[No offense Intended to anyone] my Favorite being The FREEDOM OF SPEECH!! Although there are many Negatives about the US MILITARY there are also a LOT of Positives, and the Biggest is THAT THEY DEFEND THE US[The Civilians and Now me] AGAINST ALL ENEMIES, BOTH FORIEGN and DOMESTIC. If you decide to follow through on this course, think about what I am telling you SERIOUSLY, PLEASE!!!
All Branches of the Military has a purpose, and although each Branch is Proud and rightly so, it is not my intention to belittle any Branch or Soldier whether Active, Retired, MIA, KIA. 1.Before you join, if it is for The COLLEGE FUND or a bonus[money paid in cash at the completion of Basic Training] or any other number of Incentives they offer to get you to Join, realize for the college fund that you will have to put in a little money yourself for the First Year[when I was Active it was $100 dollars a Month for the first year], and ANY of the MILITARY Branches can OFFER this to YOU [AIR FORCE, US ARMY, MARINES, NAVY, NATIONAL GUARD, the RECRUITER of that Branch will try to FILL A QUOTA[this means he or She will try to get you to sign up for a Job that they are short in], BE SMART< TAKE A JOB THAT YOU CAN USE LATER WHEN YOU RETURN TO CIVILIAN LIFE!!!!!! 2. If you do not like what they[The Recruiter] says then you can back out until you RAISE YOUR HAND AND SWEAR THE OATH!!, I Served Proudly and it is not my Intention to frighten you away, I just want to make you aware that there are options available, check into these before commiting yourself and If you don't see it in writing then it may not be true, the recruiters are not suppose to LIE, they are under regulations, but to get someone to join, LETS SAY THEY STRETCH THE TRUTH or EMBELLISH, I know mine did and theres no way to prove it either. Since the Beginning of the Iraq war Recruiters have been under stress to get as many people to join, so be sensible, ask questions, and be Prepared to Go to Iraq, How fast depends on which Branch you join[ I say this because every Unit except the Training Brigades have already done at least 1 tour in Iraq, at least in the Army]. If you want more detailed info or a specific question answered[ as there is way too much info for one post] then PM me and I will be Happy to help :)
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I have to disagree with the decision, especially if it is just to pay for school.

You need to sit down and really really think about what you want to study; you always seem to be changing your plans for what you want to do after school... (And you know I am right...)

You may want to check if you are eligible for the Hope Scholarship. If you are, then I would definitely disagree with the decision. The requirement is a 3.5 graduating GPA, and the Hope will pay for school minus books and boarding costs.

Seriously, please think heavily about this one.

If you want to join the Military because you respect them and have always wanted to, then theres no way anyone can make you think differently.

(I have the same views as mom does...:mad:)
That's not what you said about a month ago, Odale. You told me that you support my decisions. And when we talked about it and I told you that I want to honor this country you told me that this would be a wise decision. So that is what I am doing. If you read on, I say that I do not want to seem stupid for wanting to be in the front lines. So don't go back on what you have already told me.
as everyone else has said, take ur time adn think it out.

thats the only advice i can give, along with prayer. also pray urself, do what god wants u to do, and dont do anything too soon.
I will be praying, Bilkstones. I have thought about it and now all I have to do is tell my parents my decision. =D
Let me say (because I did not say earlier) that I do have a deep regard for all the service men and women who are serving in the forces and I think about them often; I pray that they are safe.
That's not what you said about a month ago, Odale. You told me that you support my decisions. And when we talked about it and I told you that I want to honor this country you told me that this would be a wise decision. So that is what I am doing. If you read on, I say that I do not want to seem stupid for wanting to be in the front lines. So don't go back on what you have already told me.

Disagreeing with you and supporting your decisions is totally acceptable. People do it all the time. If you do join, I would still have disagreed with you about your decision, but I support it because you clearly thought it was your calling to serve in that way, and I would honor it. I don't think I am going back on my word.

However, like many others who have posted before me, I believe that if you are joining for a form of Financial Aid, I believe you need to realign your thoughts. Theres FAFSA, and in Georgia we get the Hope Scholarship. It is what will cover me once I transfer.

I sent you a more detailed PM about my thoughts on the subject... thoughts that I would not like to be publicly posted. :cool:
I got it... I apologize for attacking you with words. I do however want to serve. At the same time I want to pursue a career in all of those things that I mentioned: Nature Photography, Programming and I still want to have that reptile/computer business. When I first started this thread I was thinking that I may sound bad for saying I wanted to fight so that I could have benefits. That wasn't at all what I wanted to portray. I want to serve because this country is great and because I wanted to pursue a career at the same time. My thoughts were similar to the Knights Code of Chivalry, Brother to brother, in this life and the next. Respecting my country and all who I know and love who live in it and honoring those who fight along side me as an equal. And as I have said repeatedly, there is no such thing as fighting for a lost cause. The only time it is lost is when there was nothing to fight for in the fist place. With this being said, I go on to say no matter what kind of president we have who makes stupid decisions and has no clue how to run a nation the fight is still worth it. I have put this much thought into it and more. I will consider the Hope Scholarship and see what more of my options are as far as education.
