Jr.'s Choices for Wrath of the Lich King Talents as they now stand.

Neirai the Forgiven

Christian Guilds List Manager
Assuming I can't stand tanking as a Death Knight, Neirai's level 80 tanking build.

Assuming I love tanking as a Death Knight, Neirai's level 80 Resto Build.
Why Nature's Grasp? So far, according to blue posters, Entangling roots will now work in instances. This means that Nature's Grasp will become a sort of "druid fade," increasing survivability.
Why no Healing Touch boosts? I don't plan on not being a tree 24/7 when I play this build.

Holyhugpower's Level 80 Build.
Why Improved Retribution Aura? Ret Aura is the new Sanctity Aura. As a Ret pally, you'll be using Ret Aura all the time and it will actually be worth it (extra damage and extra attack/cast speed for your party and raid members.)

Megahugpower's Level 80 Build. (basically the same as her level 70 build, plus the new end-of-tree abilities.)

Allegiant's Bladestorm/Sudden Death Maces build.

I'll work on Hammerskold's trees later, as there will be three of them.
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As far as i can tell Entangling roots will work as they do now, except in instances/indoors. The same mobs that are cc immune will be immune from it, so may be ok on trash, but not bosses

Also remember with the new TOL that you can cast ALL resto spells while in it now, so you can cast healing touch as a tree. Its just your hots that get a -20% mana cost thou. :)
I'm surprised you are passing up on improved Might on your ret pally build. AP will be everything to Ret Pallies...
I'm surprised you are passing up on improved Might on your ret pally build. AP will be everything to Ret Pallies...

I think that will depend on how much less mana-intensive the Ret tree will become. Currently in WoW on my Ret pally, I'm almost always running Blessing of Wisdom or Blessing of Kings. It's not a fact I'm happy with, but it is almost always the way I have to do it, because I think Blessing of Wisdom + Judgement of the Crusader + Seal of Command is better than Blessing of Might + Judgement of Wisdom + Seal of Command.

But, I'll have to see how it rebalances in WotLK, and whether or not Kings provides more AP than Might does.
Druids are getting there feral tree adjusted still, not sure what it will be exactly but it will be a talent or talents that are at the end of the feral tree that defines your roll.

from a blue post on Augest 24th.

We don't think it will take a complete overhaul of the Feral tree. To be honest, I think it's a pretty fun tree. But it will definitely take some changes to the tree you see on beta today. Imagine 5-10 talent points that significantly increase your survivability but do nothing to your dps. Take those points and you're a tank. Ignore them and you're melee dps Take a few here and there and you are as flexible as you are today. I'm not saying that is the final or even only sollution. But that implementation gets brought up quite a bit"

Should be interesting what they come up with.
Well, right now the feral tree is kind of busted -- it takes me 73 points to get a decent tank, significantly less to be a cat (i.e. not enough for a tank, and if I'm a cat I have a whole bunch of perfectly useless points in other places.)
Because of the added bonuses to critical attacks for arms warriors in WotLK (Deep Wounds, +30% Bleed Damage, chance of bonus Executes, +2% physical damage, and +12% extra damage,) it is only logical for me to spec Polearms and Axes to get the extra crit chance.

This is a slightly better version of the Blood Knight. It has Blood Aura.
Similar thing with the Unholy Tree. I dropped Unholy Aura to pick up Corpse explosion.
This is my new Bear build. I don't have Rend & Tear because Savage Fury does it better for less points (and there's still not enough points to go around. Moonkins, look very closely at the new "Furor" tooltip.

Small changes to my Enhancement/Spell Crit build.

There are significant changes coming to the Death Knight classes, but they're not up yet.

Edit: I should mention that my previous Blood Knight build is actually worse for tanking, not better, than my previous build. This is because all Death Knight tanks, regardless of build, will be running Frost Presence to tank.
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Something changed in Bear Form. Not quite sure what, but it screwed up the talents, so I redid them.

Thinking of this Balanced Restoration build for improved HOT power.

Just a quick note on enhancement shamans (and shamans in general): Blizzard is changing the standard AP coefficient for shamans from "2AP/Strength" to "1AP/Strength + 1AP/Agility." This means that we will use more roguesque gear, but will also mean that (with 3/3 Mental Dexterity) intellect will be just as useful as strength (if not more so) for gearing. Expect to see me in a lot of Agility+Intellect gear. Sorry, hunters!

Minor change to Arms: Blizzard refunded one point from Unrelenting Assault.

Now that I can read up on Death Knight abilities on the WotLK wiki, I can now make informed decisions about what abilities I will actually be using to tank on my Death Knights instead of just pressing random talents. To that end, I present to you my new Blood, Frost, and Unholy builds!
Blizzard Tweaked Frost a little.

Please note that they also tweaked the retribution paladin tree, but that tweak didn't change where any of my points go (just removed a dependency arrow.)
Blizzard has not updated their talent trees with changes since the PTR went up, so here's my changes, using the newer WoWhead talents:
Bear Form
Tree Form
Arms: Less bloat, so even shinier.
Enhancement. This is an instant-cast Lava Burst build.
New Retribution. Much less bloat means that I get to have all the talents I want (including the new Eye for an eye, Blessings of Might and Kings, and even Sheath of Light.
Blood Tree.
Frost Tree.
Unholy Tree.

One thing I should point out is that Blizzard claims that they intend DPS Death Knights to dual-wield, while Tanking Death Knights should use two-handed weapons.

Shadowshoot: That looks like a pretty all-around good Blood tree. I'd consider seeing if there's a way to get 5/5 Black Ice to go with your 5/5 Necrosis, as that will make your auto attacks do the most dps possible.
Bear Form: With Bash now interrupting spells if it is resisted, it is gold. More bloat, however.

Enhancement: Now I can get huge crits and Feral Spirits. Nice.

Blood Tree: Took some talents I didn't like before, dropped some that are more use soloing than tanking.

Frost Tree: One less point of bloat means I can get Imp Icy Talons, and my raid will love me for it.

Unholy Tree: Some fiddling.
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