June 27, 2007 - Interdependence


By Jon Walker

“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (John 13:35 NLT)

God designed you to need others – and for others to need you.

Even though God shaped you uniquely for your mission, he never meant for you to go it alone. You will only succeed by remaining dependent on God and by becoming interdependent upon other believers, including those in your family or at your church.

This interdependence with other believers means we mutually give to each other and receive from each other. As Rick Warren taught in The Purpose Driven Life, this interdependence is at the heart of Christian small groups, where companions in faith develop mutual relationships, learn to share responsibilities, and work to support each other.

It is through this interdependence that we build a unity of purpose, so we reflect the first-century church: “All the believers were together and had everything in common” (Acts 2:44 NIV). This interdependent unity reflects the love we’re to have for one another.

You may think that individualism and independence will lead to a stronger faith, but God never designed it that way. Your faith will be strengthened as you consistently walk with other believers, and their faith will be strengthened as you walk with them. This interdependence provides for accountability and encouragement, and it lightens the load of serving.

The truth is, your purpose in life is interdependent with the purpose of other believers. God created you to fulfill a mission only you can complete, but you must depend upon others and cooperate with others in order to accomplish the God-sized task set before you.

So what?

· Confess your need – God designed us to need others, yet one of the most difficult things to do is ask for support or help. It’s even more difficult if it involves a matter of faith or help overcoming an embarrassing sin. By confessing we need help, we’re agreeing with God that he did, in fact, create us to live in loving, supportive community with other believers.

· Provoke faith – The Bible says we should provoke one another into a deeper love and a stronger faith. One way to do this is to agree, with a group of other believers, to trust God on specific steps of faith and then to encourage each other as you watch God respond to your faith.

· Support others – If God designed you to need others, then it means he also designed you to help others – creating mutual support within a Christian community. If your love for others proves to the world that you are a disciple of Christ (John 13:35, NLT), how do you need to adjust your behaviors or attitudes to show support for other believers?

· Interdependent purpose – Fulfilling your purpose depends on other believers helping you, and fulfilling their purposes depends on you helping them. What big thing is keeping you from being interdependent with other believers? God does not come in condemnation, but in love to support you as he removes this “big thing,” whatever it is. Ask him to help – “I believe, Lord, help my unbelief.”

© 2007 Jon Walker. All rights reserved.

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