Karazahn - Tue / Thur (sometimes wed) run

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Gratz to all who were able to make it! We generally had a good time and were able to down the OZ event at the opera house. I want to congratulate everyone on a good run. I think this is the first time we have downed 3 boss events in one night in there!

There were some issues which came up tonight which I want to address, before they get out of hand, and spoil the fun for some.

1) Please try to come if you are signed up. I realize this is not always possible, but do your best. Tonight, this caused at least one player to have to use a toon they had no intention of using in there yet, it wasn't fair to them, but I appreciate the flexibility the offered to the group.

2) a) Due to the mix which was signed up, we had already intended on using one SGA member as a tank (Bluknight from AR). This worked very well, as he obviously had a good knowledge of the instance and was able to pass that along.
b) However, when I realized we were going to be short on dps, I invited someone who was NOT even SGA - a lock. I had run with him on many 5-mans but I realize no one else had. My thinking at the time was 1 - we were short, 2 - there was already a call going out in SGA (unsuccessfully) for the classes we would have wanted, 3 - a lock would really help round us out in there, 4 - this lock had been to the Prince a couple times so knew the instance. Our priority on invites remains TF first, SGA second, and only then consider non-SGA'ers. For an non-SGAer to be considered, they have to have trust of some members of the raid.

3) Loot - it important that we all have fun, but also are able to progress a little further each time. We have done pretty good so far, but we need to consider the primary role each person is playing while on the raid, and only then their secondary role. From now on, the loot applying to someone in their primary role will be awarded to them preferentially to someone who could use that same loot, but only in a secondary role. This will allow better progression through the instance, and hopefully enhance everyone's fun. As an example, look at this item - Emerald Ripper (+19 agil, +18 stam, AP +36, 87.5dps) - there are many hunters who drool over this item, however this a much more awesome rogue weapon. As a general guide, we will be using the wow-loot web site to see who could best use the item, which lists rogues primary and hunters secondary, as it should be. Again this is a general guide and we can discuss any exceptions seen.

I hope everyone is having fun in our runs, and I hope we are providing a healthy blend of fun + progression. Please feel free to bring any concerns you have to me so that we can make it better for all of us.

Curator is going DOWN tomorrow!
NOTICE: AngusOg/Buto lead runs

Just so everyone is on the same page when I run this raid.

Sign up:
Group Calender is used to state the time/duration of the run. It is also used as a place to show intent. The run is stable and spots will be filled when people are absent signing up will help facilitate the filling of these spots.

Run basics:
Boss order is not set and therefore may not be taken in the same order each week. This is a progression/fun run, in that order. Speed is key in this run. There are plenty of bosses and little time to do it in. Have consumables with you and drink/eat when time permits.

Be prepared with what items you want out of Kara.

Loot rules:
I use wow-loot.com as a template for loot distribution. If you think an item is not listed properly bring it to my attention before it is handed out, not after. A slight discussion will occur and then judgment on that item will be passed and looting will continue.

Be nice, that is the last part. If there is no one that can use the item I would rather give it to someone that will use it then shard it. But if other people can use it, be nice about it. If you have won, pass. There are plenty of things to go around. Exception to this are items that anyone can use and to tokens.

At times certain items will be made by a guildie for use on the run. If assistance is asked for in making these items, i.e. cauldrons, please help out. Most multi use items are not cheap to make and should not fall on the shoulders of the one that makes them.

The bringing of alts to the run is permitted as long as the raid make up does not change much. Please talk to me first before you decide to bring an alt in. Exception to this is that certain bosses are made easier with certain classes. We do not cover every class in the run so alts will be brought in as needed for these bosses. If you are bringing in your alt for a partial run, have your characters outside ready for swapping when the time comes. We do not want to waste time by waiting for people to summon you there during the run.
NotE: Mike and I have had several discussions on these rules, and when I have the privledge of leading, I will be using the same ones for consistancy.
Since Rhys' run is starting up on Sunday I believe it is time to clarify a couple of things.

We do not want to infer that we have any regular subs. We will pull from the guild first to fill any slots available before we head to the SGA. Please be mindful that this will lock you into our run and could not get into any other Kara runs.
Changes to the run. We are implementing a cap on how many subs we will bring in to each run. On the Tuesday run, farm status mobs, no more then 4 subs will be brought in. On the Thursday run, progression, no more then 2 subs will be brought in.

The reason for this is that this is a progression run and we wish to have our regulars when we attempt the harder bosses. This will ensure our progression through Kara.
Just to clarify a little bit further as I was asked about this rule change. The intent of this run is to a) have fun, b) progress through the entire instance. These intents go together in that as (b) increases so does (a) for most of the semi-regulars in this run. By running with roughly the same crew (pulled from a pool of about 12 to staff a ten man), we are able to retain our knowledge of the encounters and have a much better chance of success. This does NOT mean we don't want to enjoy fellowship and grouping with others, it just means that the more the same people are exposed to the encounters, the less mistakes are made.

After much discussion, we have decided that it is more fun NOT to run the instance sometimes rather than go in knowing it will be a frustrating experience. This may seem contrary to the goal of getting through all of the instance, especially on the preliminary Tuesday run, but actually, it helps focus the group and reduce the number of negative experiences as a whole. We believe in the long run this leads to a happier core group and further to greater success overall.

That said, as you see there ARE still slots open for non-"core" raid attenders. We believe that we can afford some variation to the degree of 4 non regulars the first night and 2 the second. If we were truly hard core, even this would not be allowed, but we are not and never will be truly hard core. We are in it for fun too, and would prefer to run when we have a reasonable chance of success.

I hope this clarifies our stance and the reasoning behind the rule change.

As always, feel free to contact me or Mike with any questions.
I know this has been a long time coming, but here it is. Group 1 is looking for 2 healers to fill spots left by Wovenx and Yesmina. If you are interested, please post here.
Ok, so I need to run this by some people, but for the next month at least a Tuesday/thursday thing works a 100 times better than a friday monday because of how many friday nights I miss because of the end of my cross COuntry season. So I need to talk to Steve and Mike and figure it out... but I'll let you know soonish.
I am here to let everyone know that this run is no more. The reason is the lack of progression. We lost a lot of people and with Zul'Aman right around the corner we thought it was best to end this run.

With that being said a new progression based Kara is starting up Tuesday 11/13. This run is not limited to The Forgiven, though they are being told first, and will be gear dependent. I am looking for a quick strike to Prince and am wanting to run this at least until the second full week of patch 2.3 being out so I know a little more about Zul'Aman and its schedule.

I will post more tomorrow, Monday 11/5, about this new run.
just an fyi, i will not be able to lead the run this week. i have messed up my neck and sitting at the computer all day and then all night is not possible. i do see a doc on friday so the gruuls run starting next week is still on.
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