Keeping names?


New Member
Being a novice to the whole multi-MMO thing ... is proper etiquette to keep names across games, or to invent something new. While I guess the latter option is something folks surely do just when re-rolling, I guess what I wonder is whether keeping a "recycled" name is bad form. Surely "stealing" someone's name would be bad (there can be only one Tree...) but do you keep 'em?
I always keep my names from one game to the next, I have used XionTawa and other forms of it for 9 years now...I made the name myself... :)
I have used the same character names since long before RPG's made their way to video games. I was recently reminded of the method I used, some 27 years ago, to come up with my first D&D characters name.

My first character was a Dwarf-fighter/thief, whose name was Kamchaka Littlespice. I was sitting at Mike Deatons dinning room table, looking around for inspiration, when I laid eyes upon two things; the game Risk and his mom's spice rack. You can figure out the rest.

I later rolled up a mage and named him, Soripto the Black. I wonder if any of you can guess where I got the inspiration for that name from?
I will make use of Fjorboug yet again, spanning now three MMO's. (DaoC, WoW, WAR)

Great to see you again Gilga!! Can't wait to see some WAR-spreadsheet action!
I"m really tempted to pick a new name.....Gobby, Gooby, Gobstopper, Gobbers, Gobbers, Goblin..... I need one that sounds cool....not something that is dripping from your nose.....
I just haven't seen any that looks like a Schmeea, so I might be inventing something new. I like to invent names. Maybe a rune priest would be a good Schmeea I suppose. It's nice to recognise names for people like me who have a hard time remembering things.
I'm going to create a character named "wallbranch".

After reading your "you are not in a guild" post on the Red-WoW forums, the name that's sticking in my head for you is "Treepee." A special kind of Ironbreaker, perhaps....