Level 70 Raiding Guide (where are we going with who??)


New Member
This entire guide is a work in progress and should help us get to the endgame stuff we've been craving.. I'm doing my best to gather and verify information as I can, so please bear with me.

We now have many level 70s in the guild, and if they are anything like me they're dying to get to Mt Hyjal, which appears to be the endgame of all endgame raids. To get to Mt Hyjal requires many many steps and hours and weeks of grinding and lower level instances. This guide will give you a general outline of everything that needs to be done to get there.

Randy forwarded me this general progression guide and I think it gives a good outline, but I will go much more in depth here.

Preparation throughout all of this is going to be critical. We need to start thinking as a team when we go into instances and raids. What can you do now to be a part of the team later?

1. Gear - Gear is so easy to obtain in TBC its sickening. Keep pushing your suit to the limits, run the lower level instances until there are no further upgrades to your gear possible. While researching my own gear, I read a very sound piece of advice which I will paraphrase "stop worrying about 20-30 attack power, worry about crit chance". Basically, and this was a trap I was falling into myself, I'd see a piece of gear that had 20 more attack power than my previous piece, so i'd upgrade and vendor the old piece. However I was paying little attention to the decrease in agail or +crit chance or intel or whatever that I was sacraficing. (I know thats in melee terms, but mages get the point too). Don't forget to repair your gear before the start of the instance!

2. Food/Drink - the new food buffs are great. The guild has stockpiles of meats to get your cooking to 375, so do it. Go out and farm the mats required to make the higher end food recipes so that when you show up to raids with the guild you aren't just depending on the mage to give you no buff food drink. There's also no reason you can't keep 4 stacks of water on you at all times. As a melee'r I love the 7200/30sec water, it fills my mana up quick. This will put less pressure on the mage, and allow the instance to start sooner thus end sooner. Hunters get spore snacks for yer pet, the stam bonus is nice.

3. Pots - Protection pots, dmg pots, agil pots, healing/mana pots.. Whatever you find you'd normally need, grab some off AH or make one on an alchemist. We also have numerous alchemists in the guild who I'm sure would be more than happy to make whatever you want if you give them the mats. Do some research ahead of time about the raid you are going into and find what protection potion you might need, don't show up on the doorstep and expect the lone alchemist to have 20x ??? protection pots..

4. Trinkets/toys - IMHO, if you are an engineer, you should have seaforium charges (you never know), at least one field repair bot, and some goblin jumper cables XL. The last is especially important for hunter/engies, as you can feign death at the last minute and HOPEFULLY rez the priest.. helps everyone, money money. Bombs are also always nice for some extra dmg.

5. Reputation - Well apparently blizzard loves mindless drooling players hypnotized in front of the computer grinding rep. Rep is going to be critical to this process as you will see in the following threads, so might as well start grinding now..

Anyhow onto the guide..
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It appears that Slave Pens on Heroic Mode should be our first stop. I know its not on the progression list linked above, but bear with me.

-In order to get into Slave Pens on Heroic Mode you need to become revered with Honor Hold and purchase the key from the Honor Hold Quartermaster.

-While in slave pens, you need to get the quest [70] The Cudgel of Kar'desh (http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=10901) from an NPC named Skar'this the Heretic.

-Skar'this is in a cage near the first boss, it is critical you get this quest unless you enjoy doing Heroic 5mans over and over..

-Now a note on heroic instances. Unfortunately this requires all members of the party to be revered and have the key, so start grinding early.

-An excellent reference for grinding honor hold rep is -> http://www.wowwiki.com/Honor_Hold

Some notes on the Heroic Mode of Slave Pens (taken from wowwiki.com)

Melee mobs hit between 2-3k normal hits

Bogstroks - come in groups of 3-4

* Would suggest CCing greater bogstroks until other mobs have been killed
* Normal CC works

Coilfang Champions

* Strict Melee
* Intimidating Shout's the tank, which includes fearing anyone in melee
* Would suggest CC'ing these first
* When tank is feared, goes after next on agro list not feared (a.k.a. ranged)
* Frost nova works well: pull Champion, frost nova within range of tank, Champion intimidating shouts within 3 seconds, Champion is frost nova'd attacking tank, breaks tank intimidating shout

Coilfang Observers

* Single target immolate for 2k initial damage + DOT
* Normal CC works

Coilfang Slavemasters

* Polymorph the slavemasters and kill the slaves

Coilfang Defenders

* Melee damage 2-3k
* Has reflective shield every 20 seconds(approx)
* Cannot be trapped, polymorphed, feared but can be stunned and disarmed
* Normal slowing effects do seem to affect them so they can be kited
* Frostbolt, turn and blink, run until first is dead, works until healer pulls agro from your frostbolt
* Having a protection spec warrior with your healer specced for healing, it is possible to tank 2 of these guys and live but they do hit very, very hard.
* Having ranged dps kite these is very easy if you have your warrior run alongside them and use piercing howl to slow them. Just make sure your ranged DPS gets and holds aggro before the warrior does this.

Coilfang Scale-Healers

* Priests can mind control these, the surrounding mobs will kill them quickly.

Coilfang Soothsayer

* These can Mind Control one player to attack teammates
* The MCed player seems to use only melee attacks
* All forms of CC work on these

Coilfang Ray

* Cast a form of fear
* All CC work

Slave Pens Heroic Loot Table
(unavail, still looking)
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Next we'll head to Karazhan. This is a 10man 70+ instance.. From what I've read it appears to be a difficult raid, so it goes without saying that preparation (pots, food, drink, buff food, and GEAR will be very important)

It all starts in Deadwind Pass (take the bird to Duskwood/Darkshire and head east, then south). Speak with Archmage Alturus at 47, 75 and get his two quests [70] Arcane Disturbances and [70] Restless Activity.

These quests are outlined on thottbot here

A note about these quests. The mobs are all 69-70 and seem to have a very big agg range. You will also encounter some spectre type mobs called "Damned Souls" and these have a very nasty shadow bolt that hits between 700-1000dmg, so a shadow prot pot might not be a bad idea. Respawn timer is quick in there so watch out. These quests are soloable, I did them, but it is quite difficult so grab a partner and get two of you done at once..

Once you complete these quests, the quest line for the Karazhan key opens up, these are the four quests of this line;

http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=9831 <- Complete Shadow Labyrinth (Terrokar Forrest) instance
http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=9832 <- Complete The Steamvault (Zangarmarsh) and The Arcatraz (Netherstorm) instances

** Thottbot claims show its possible to solo your way to the fragments in the above instances, however might as well run them, you'll need the gear for Karazhan and beyond **

Once you complete these four quests, Khadgar then gives you this quest line;

http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=9836 <- Complete The Black Morass Instance (Tanaris)
http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=9837 <- Finally, the Master's Key is MIIINEEE!!!

At this point as you can see the chain continues a little farther, but the key is yours..

Loot table for Karazhan


***** You should really do Slave Pens on Heroic mode before Karazhan. This is because while fighting in Karazhan you'll need to loot a Blazing Signet off Nightban for this quest [70] The Cudgel of Kar'desh (Raid) http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=10901 ******
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Now we can head to Gruul's Lair. Pretty straightforward, nothing required to enter (other than a 25 man raid)

-Make sure you loot the Earthen Signet off Gruul, this allows for your attunement for Serpenthrine Cavern

Loot table for Gruul's Lair


***** After you complete Gruul + Karazhan, return to Slave Pens on heroic mode, kill the first boss, and speak with Skar'this the Heretic again ******
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At this point you have two choices, you can now head to Serpentshrine Cavern if you like, as you are now attuned for it, if so then scroll down, otherwise we have four more instances to complete on heroic mode.

Before we Head out to these four instances, we need to start the quest line for our Tempest Keep attunement.

Head over to Shadowmoon Valley, you have two quest lines to pick up here, 1 is for your Shattered Halls Key, the other is the first in your Tempest Keep Attunement.

Shattered Halls Key - Down by The Black Temple you should find Smith Gorlunk at around 67, 36. Kill this fellah and he'll drop a Primed Key Mold, this starts your quest for your key.

http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=10763 <- 4 Fel Iron Bars, 2 Arcane Dust, 4 Mote of Fire
http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=10764 <- Kill a fel reaver, smelt your key.. Yaay Shattered Halls

Tempest Keep Attunement - Find Earthmender Torlok at 42, 45 where you pick up this quest line


As soon as this chain of quests is complete, you will have a letter in the mail from an NPC Khadgar, who requests your audience in Shattrath City (he wanders around the center of the city). Go speak to him, and he tells you to speak with A'dal (who basically wanders all over the northeastern part of the city, upper and lower, joy)

A'dal is pleased, and gives you four quests (hense the four dungeons on heroic)

http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=10884 <- Heroic Shattered halls
http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=10885 <- Heroic Steamvaults and Shadow Labrynth
http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=10886 <- Heroic Arcatraz

When you have completed these, he gives you http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=10888 <- Magtheridon (we'll get to this one later)

So you finished the key quest for Shattered Halls and gotten to this point in the attunement quest, time to head to Shattered Halls

Now, as far as I can tell, you should already be able to enter the Heroic mode of this instance having already obtained the key for the Hellfire Citidel from Honor Hold, please someone let me know if this is not correct. Might not be a horrible idea to do the instance one time on normal mode to get a feel for it!

Heroic Mode Loot Table (about halfway down the page)

Nothing really that special to do in here, according to my research anyhow.. just complete the instance..
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Lets head over to Sethekk Halls in Auchindoun in Terrokar Forrest. Again this isn't on the list, but you need to loot the Shadow Labyrinth Key off the final boss in Shethekk, so joy, another instance (this one you can do on normal mode, MAKE SURE everyone loots the boss for the key though, no point in wasted trips)

After you complete Sethekk you can head over to The Shadow Labyrinth, use your shiny new key and enter the dungeon and run it once on normal mode. In order to run this instance on heroic mode, you need to be revered with the Lower City and purchase the heroic key from the quartermaster there.

Rep Guide for Lower City;


Again nothing spectacular to be done inside the instance, just finish it.

Heroic Mode Loot Table (1/4 way down the page)
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Ok more keys, this time for Arcatraz (yay I love getting keys!!)

First head over to Area-52 and grab the quest [69]Warp-Raider Nesaad (http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=-3723) from the NPC Nether-Stalker Khay'ji.. he's around 32,64. This will touch off a series of solo quests that will eventually lead you to this quest line;

http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=10704 <- Two drops, one in Botanica (Warp Splinter) and the other in Mechanar (Pathaleon the Calculator)
http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=10882 <- He gives you a quest inside Arcatraz, and hey, we're going there anyhow so might as well grab it eh?

Now then, run it in normal mode, then run it in heroic. In order to get the key to heroic here, you must be revered with Sha'Tar, you obtain the key from the Sha'Tar Quartermaster in Shattrath City

Rep Guide for Sha'Tar
http://www.wowwiki.com/The_Sha'tar <- This one will be a bear..

As above, nothing special here, just complete it.

Loot Table Heroic Mode
http://beta.worldofraids.com/burning_crusade/dungeons/tempest-keep/the-arcatraz.shtml (1/3 of the way down the page)
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Next its time to head to The Steamvault in Coilfang Resevoir (Zangarmarsh)

Nothing special to do to get in here, nothing special to do once yer in here. Do it once on normal then go heroic. To enter the dungeon on heroic you need to be revered with Cenarion Expedition (unfortunatly not the same faction as Silithis, BOOOO)

Cenarion Expedtion Rep Guide

The quartermaster is in Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh
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Alrighty, wow.. That was a lot of work.. Time now for a 25man raid. We need to head to Hellfire Citidel and go kill Magtheridon. From what I hear this was supposed to be "quick" but has turned into a very difficult wipe party. Either way kill Mag and head back to A'dal in Shattrath, he's got your Tempest Keep key waiting on yah, grab it and go take a nap (it was a long day, you did like 10 instances today)
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Ok, we have one last quest to pick up before we head to Serpentshrine and Tempest Keep. We need to head over to the Caverns of Time (Tanaris) and speak with Soridormi.. she will give you this quest;


This quest takes you into both Serpentshrine and Tempest Keep, the vials drop off of the respective raids..

Head off to either raid, at this point you should be attuned for both so take your pick. Complete the raid, make sure you loot all the bosses for the vials (well, and I suppose the gear) and head back to Caverns of Time to turn in the vial quest, you are now ready for Mt Hyjal, grats.
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Well thats it for me, I'm still trying to figure out how to get to Mt Hyjal once you are fully attuned and ready to go, and I will post that as soon as possible. It doesn't appear there's much information on Hyjal itself yet, and I'm not sure how many times its even been done (surely at least once, but given all the work involved, maybe not..)

Hope you enjoyed this, hopefully it will help us all, please let me know of any errors you might find and I will fix them asap.
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I don't remember seeing that post before. I'm really sorry :(

I must have missed it sometime when i left the forums up on my PC for a few hours and then clicked "mark all read".
The other difference is the one that Thul put together actually gives quest mobs, links, etc. I found the other to be a nice diagram of what order to do instances and get keys.... but not how to actually get the keys.
The other difference is the one that Thul put together actually gives quest mobs, links, etc. I found the other to be a nice diagram of what order to do instances and get keys.... but not how to actually get the keys.

Have you gone to the link Randy? Cause if so, you will see links there for what you need to do for the Heroic instances, and what you need to do for the Attunements. It is not just the diagram.

Not to say that Thul's is not a nice guide, cause it is:)
I did open the site, but didn't have a long time to explore around. I'll have to take a second look. Although my big hang-up at this point is the 3rd boss in Shadow Labs. I'm somewhere around 30 wipes on that boss, and still don't have a strategy figured out. I've tried all the dps taking down the voids, i've tried kiting around the voids, I've tried a mix of dps and kiting. Nothing seems to work effectively. I've been in high-dps group every attempt, so it's not a lack of damage.
I have been past that boss once. It ended up being luck that we got by. I like the idea of going north, up the small hallway, twice then down south once and lastly back north.

What this did was we had only one portal to deal with and had one hunter on the podium taking out the voids. Once all the voids where up in the hall we got lucky and then got ported and went south and bypassed the voids. We pulled all the voids back down off the portal when we got ported back and went north and finished him off.

Pure luck it sounds like. But I would like to hear how others are getting pass this guy.