"LFG Hall of Heroes"

Obviously the guy is the n00b. :rolleyes: It's always the n00bs accusing someone else of being a n00b, just so they feel better about themselves.
I should know better than to listen to something like that at work. All that giggling probably made my co-workers a little nervous...

I've often wondered what would happen if an alien civilization were to somehow intercept a guildwars teamspeak channel, without knowing anything else about our world. Assuming they could even decipher our language, what would they think of:

"Go ahead and sac Halonic. Lets get that minion factory going."
"I can't get it to work...wait, darnit! I can't believe this guys...I didn't bring the sac skill! Can't kill myself without the skill."
"Ok, looks like you'll be healing intead of sacing...alright, lets go ahead and rush that flag stand."
"Someone call a target."
"They're just standing over there on the other side, must be waiting for us to take the stand."
"Hey! I got dropped...did everyone get dropped?"
"Yea, it booted everyone."
"Wow! I've never been so thankful to get dropped!"
Pet n00bs!

one2dredd said:
Oh BTW I hear they are having a sale on N00bs at Best Buy!

Ooo! A pet n00b! Can I have one, dorkelf? Since you won't let me have any more cats (or a pygmy goat)? Please? :D
hmm, i've got enough pets for the moment... two cats & a dog at my parents, two dogs, 1 rat, and 13 hamsters here (hamsters had babies....)
Hey Baron Squirrel you should keep accumulating hamsters and then sell them... and Maid... a pygmy goat? :eek: and "another" cat? HOW MANY DO YOU HAVE?

yeah, we're probably going to give away/sell all but 1 of the babies and the 2 mothers. the father... met with some unfortunate circumstances with the 2 dogs...:( bad dogs.:mad: