Looking for an active WoW Christian Guild


New Member
Hello all,

I'm currently looking for an active WoW guild. I've been away from the game for around 8 months and I'm looking for a great Christian guild to join. I plan to play casually due to RL obligations. If someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it greatly.


P.S. Awesome site!
There's a list here of Christian WoW guilds (among other games,) but I can't vouch for activity levels.

I can vouch for the activity of The Forgiven (Terenas US) -- a guild that's chalk-full of people who play casual because of obligations, and a handful of raiders here and there. Our forums our found just down the list on this site.

I know TOJ runs a few WoW guilds on the site, too, such as Redeemed.
Neirai the word is chock, not chalk. Sorry I usually don't do corrections, but that one begged for attention, even if I do talk like a hillbilly.
If you play Alliance (or are willing to faction change) there are two very active guilds on the Thunderhorn server (PVE). Both Narrow Path and By His Stripes are very active and both have active raid teams if you want to get involved in raiding. I have been involved with both guilds and both have some good people in them.
I am getting back into wow as well. i am looking for this too. I do not mind moving some toons over time. But i only will that if the guild is active. I looking for people to play and do raiding with.
I can also vouch for both Narrow Path and By His Stripes on Thunderhorn Alliance. Both guilds are very active and full of most excellent people!
Activity was picking up again in Redeemed (Tribe of Judah's Alliance guild on Stonemaul) when I left about 2 months ago and I'm cautiously optimistic that cross-realm guilds and virtual realms in 5.4 will help the guild grow.
OK, I'm still looking into doing this.

If you are interested in starting a guild at all, email me at adam.wowguild@gmail.com. Let me know what your faction preference is, if you would be willing to switch, if you would be willing to transfer, etc. etc. Perhaps we can get an email conversation happening with everyone who is interested.

I've been doing alot of research to choose a good server with lots of activity but not over crowded.

Email me and we'll get this going!