Major Website Updates


Tribe of Judah StarCraft Series Chapter Leader
I have been doing a lot of work on the WoW website lately, and plan to do a lot more in the near future.


Our guild name has changed from ‘Legends of the Allegiance’ to ‘God’s Peons’ – the entire site now reflects this.

We have many in-game events planned for the weeks ahead.  While you can’t view them on the website, we plan on posting threads of how the activities went and who participated during that week in the forums.

We have designed our guild tabard.  You can view it on the main-site.


The entire website has been re-written into PHP.  We plan on re-writing it again in Coldfusion soon.

You can access your World of Warcraft Billing Account directly from our website.  The link is provided below the navigation bars to the left.

There is a new top ‘dwarven rifleman’ banner with our name ‘God’s Peons’.

For guild activities and events we have put up a few maps of the World of Warcraft.  In the future we plan on adding more details to these so that we can organize raids and such, just in case you don’t have all the areas of a country and continent discovered.  To view these, simply click on the map of Stormwind to the right.

You can read the World of Warcraft back-story and the history of all the previous games provided by a link on our main-site.  The icon link is in the form of a Night Elf shield in the top right portion of the website.  For a history of the races please view our Fan Fiction forums.

In the bottom right is an icon of the Korean art desktop – clicking on this takes you to the concept drawings and artwork section of our website.

Most pages' layout have been revised to hold more content.


We have a total of five fan fictions, with more being added…
Specifically, Beau and Exoslayer are writing and finishing up their chapters.  As soon as they are done you can expect to see them on the site itself.

We now have a total of nine rather lengthy and detailed articles complete with screenshots in our Articles section.

There are a total of five passages in the Fellowship section.  More will be added as we begin to do in-game devotionals and Bible studies.

Known bugs

As soon as we uploaded the new version of the website I noticed a bug in that you cannot view some pictures.  Please bear with us as we fix this issue.

If you come across any other bugs, or if you have any suggestions for our website, then please send them here: .

If you have any suggestions, fan fiction, or articles you would like to submit please e-mail them to me.



editing to add…
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bowser @ Aug. 19 2004,12:51)]Not all members are added, but most of you are there.
Bowser: Does the members list pull from the Tribe of Judah members database? It would likely be easier and more efficient to include the official ToJ: WoW chapter member roster rather than add members using flat HTML. That way, when someone joins the WoW chapter, the Members List updates automatically--no need to edit HTML!

If you have any questions about how this works, please e-mail me at tek7 AT toj DOT cc and CC the e-mail to Plankeye at plankeye AT cgalliance DOT org.
No, only designed it. I'm at about 6 gold now, so I only have a few more pieces before I can get it. I've been setting up mass auctions too, so it should be soon...probably in a day or so.
You can keep the silver I gave new character will get it all back. My donation to the talbard
May have only been 23 or so Silver...but, it was all I had.

Secondly, I noticed on the website, under the "Join Us" link, you still referenced "Legends" and Thirdly, why am I not on the membership list? I recall sending in the request, maybe that was for WCIII, but by proxy man...!!!! Dude add me!!!!
lol!  I'm working on it!

Thanks for the heads-up concerning the Legends...I'm changing it as we speak.

Again, thanks!
Okay Cory, I've added you to our ranks of Peons!

btw to everyone who's concerned: the members table is simply a makeshift site until we can get a much cooler and faster database set up.
Okay, the bug is fixed. You can view all the pictures, screenshots, and artwork you like.