MC and Ony


New Member
Ok, I know we all are 70s now and doing BC, but I think it would be fun to get both Kara groups together and as many other 70s in the guild and maybe some 60+ and go back and do MC and Ony on a saturday afternoon. This should only take us like 3 hours and it would be good money for some people seeing how each boss gives out like 3 gold... I know I've done Ony like 6 times on vara and MC the whole way through twice, I'm not saying I know it enough to lead, but I'm sure I could get us to the bosses and I'd be willing to read up and stuff if anyone wanted to come. I think it would be a fun easy way of gettting to know are guildmates better new and old!
Count me in if people would like to do this. I haven't seen all of MC yet. If this kind of thing interests people, we would need to post it up on the forums on what time, day, etc. I don't log in to much and don't use Group Cal. either.

Nice idea. Hope some people are intersted. I don't think it would take 3 hours with a lot of level 70s, but then again I haven't been the whole way through either. Maybe an Ony buff before heading into MC to speed things up even more? :)
yeah, like I said, I'd really like to, and maybe it wouldn't take that long, I just wanted to see if people would be up for it and such... I don't think we need a full 40 I would be willing to go with 25ish. But yeah, I don't know how many of us have really seen much of the end game raiding before, and it would be great to see it now that we can!
25 or so would probably be able to do it in a similar amount of time that we were completing the whole thing with 40, altho the closer to 40 you get, the faster it will go; many of the fights will turn into DPS and healing battles without a mess of people.

There will be spots that would be difficult without Fire Resist, i think. I'm guessing that 25-man MC could be as messy as ZG was when we fought Hakkar - it wasn't too far from having to run back...
I would go, but I know that none of my characters are keyed for Ony, and I know that Darth is not attuned for MC. Though I could probaby stealth through and do it solo now that I think of it.

I assume FR gear be darned on the MC run?
ok, so here it is... on June 2nd at 1 server... We will give it a shot. I'll run attunment through that week, mainly for MC but also for ony. Please all it will be a blast.

and yeah BYOFR (Bring your own Fire resist)
Personally I wish they would relax the key requirement for Ony... but sure sounds like fun.
I'm interested, but I'll probably only mannage attunement for MC. I doubt I'll have time to go through the process for Ony, though I'd like to.....


Oh, and I have no FR gear. Is it an absolute must for MC? (now that I'm 65)
Nope, if you are higher then 65 FR gear is NOT a must, unless you are tanking. I know on Vara I didn't have any for a long time and I was fine, just bring what you have.

and MC is the main here.
you guys would work during the day... but with 4 kara runs going on and people raidng BC on sunday it's saturday or nothing... would the evening work better? say... 7 server?
I'd be willing to try that Chris, I have something the 2 weekends after that but I'd like to do this for the most people possable and I realize some won't be able to make it :(
I'd be willing to try that Chris, I have something the 2 weekends after that but I'd like to do this for the most people possable and I realize some won't be able to make it :(

Excellent. Is there a certain place that you're going to have sign ups at or just put out the word and see who shows?
Yeah, I'll have it up in group cal, but you can also say you're coming in here and I'll add you. Just give me your char name and I"ll add you.