Monster Hunter Tri Wii


New Member
I stumbled upon this title at our local library. I considered buying it when it came out, but held off. Glad I did because now I get to try it for free.

Has anyone else played this? How did you like it?
I love it. I will have to pick it up now that I can get it for around $20. And it is really endless. The online play is really awesome to. Also don't jugde it by the intro quests. The story really picks up after the training quests. I the Great Jaggy quest is the first main quest.
I've only played Freedom Unite on the PSP, but it was awesome. Totally my style of game. If you like felling continually bigger beasties and acquiring gradually more awesome gear, it's an excellent game.

I gotta pick up Tri at some point, too... buuuuuut... I'm kinda caught up in the rest of my collection for now. :p
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I played the game for about 30-45 minutes and it didn't catch my interest, but I may see if I can try it again and play a little longer. I've read so many good things about Monster Hunter Tri that I'm curious to see what the fuss is about.