most humiliating moment in WoW


New Member
Ok, let's hear about them. Not getting ganked by that rogue 10 levels lower than you and obliterated by him, but true humiliation.

Mine is going to Krasus Landing in Dalaran, mounting up and going over the edge... to crash to my death in Crystalsong forest on my Bear mount and not my flying mount.

I can only imagine what was going through that bear's mind when I lead him over the edge.
Mine was during my first raid with HK and Redeemed, and we were doing MC. Back in those days, you could resurrect people while in combat, and so they would have a dedicated person staying behind the battle to res players as they fell.
I didn't know that at the time; I thought I was supposed to res people after the battle, so I just stood there for a good 5 minutes or so watching people die and thinking 'man, i wish there was something I could do.'
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LOL Heals...

mine was the other night. As a shaman we have the rediculous quests to get our totems...they send us back and forth most of the time. Well, I was given the quest to bring the torch to this statue at the complete other end of the I did...only to realize i didnt have the i ran all the way back...and realized the torch was inside a satchel inside my bag...there was also another object within the satchel so i clicked on it only to realize it was to port me back once i had brought the torch to the statue....ya know..the statue i just ran all the way back from cause i thought i didnt have the torch so i just used the teleport and teleported two feet in front of me. Bill was on the phone with me at the time laughing a good bit...

Also...i sometimes find myself killing mobs for 30 min or so before realizing I've finished the quest already..
LOL Heals...

mine was the other night. As a shaman we have the rediculous quests to get our totems...they send us back and forth most of the time. Well, I was given the quest to bring the torch to this statue at the complete other end of the I did...only to realize i didnt have the i ran all the way back...and realized the torch was inside a satchel inside my bag...there was also another object within the satchel so i clicked on it only to realize it was to port me back once i had brought the torch to the statue....ya know..the statue i just ran all the way back from cause i thought i didnt have the torch so i just used the teleport and teleported two feet in front of me. Bill was on the phone with me at the time laughing a good bit...

That is hilarious!!
Once during a MC raid, a group of us were together for a "raid night". I let my then 10 year old son come along. He played fill in healer for people who needed to eat, break or whatever. He out healed me in front of 12 other people....

I was embarrassed and proud at the same time.
You should have let him play more often. :D

I can't remember my most embarrassing moment in the game... I can't remember where to start, haha.
I'll have to think about mine, but there was a Red moment where a guy cut the cheese in one of our raids and everyone heard it. I wasn't there, but I heard about it and that person told me he did it. *LOL*
i have none....

j/k, lets see, facing a boss the wrong way when a raid leader said 'stop thats good' all the while wondering why he wanted me to stop while i was facing the wrong way whereas he was just telling me to stop assuming i would turn boss around. /wipe
Hmmm let's see -

Dying on the elevator in Shatt (though I'm pretty sure I am not the only one) rezzing and then dying immediately again on the elevator

Healing myself instead of tank - and wiping the raid

Being told that my name sounds like a sneeze (lol)

Wiping twice on the last boss in Azjol Nerub as a healer with a 2900+ GS

Breaking my mouse and keyboard because they were wrapped around my leg and when I got up I ripped them off the computer

Having Samboe do his little boohoo on me when I whined (lol)

Being booted from a group because they didn't like one of my gems
Wiping twice on the last boss in Azjol Nerub as a healer with a 2900+ GS

lol, bet that was fun. I used to really fear that boss. Now i run towards teh bubbling ground and the spikes when I'm healing because I like watching healsalot cast his instant casts while in the air. It's so leet looking!
lol, bet that was fun. I used to really fear that boss. Now i run towards teh bubbling ground and the spikes when I'm healing because I like watching healsalot cast his instant casts while in the air. It's so leet looking!

lol I bet your group is wondering what's going on with you
I know I don't play on Stonemaul... but I'm sure you can appreciate this 3rd-party "most embarrassing moment".

When my wife and I were looking for a new guild, we had run into members from The Forgiven - it just happened to the GL, his wife, and another officer. So we go and run Scholomance... and my wife, being the awesome mage that she is, offers up a port to IF when we finished.

And then promptly teleported herself to IF.

Yeh... nice first impression.
I remembered one thanks to your story Durruck, haha.

Me on Klangdon, Gnomegeddon and I think Goblit were in BRD clearing the WHOLE instance... we were there for a while - I think we finished around 1am EST.

Gnome wants me to throw up a portal, so I do but I accidentally send him and Goblit to Darnassus. It was an accident I swear! I found it hilarious, dunno about them though... XD.

one of the first instances i was in.. i kept trying to shoot something.. and nothing happend.. and i was running around not paying attention to the on screen messages wondering why i couldnt shoot anyone only to realize that i had ran out of arrows... i was with avish i believe at the time. This was before you could teleport out..

Since then i keep thousands of arrows.. lol
My addon, RankWatch, is whispering this hunter in my heroic POS group, explaining that he is using downranked spells. He starts getting upset about it, and tells me to stop whispering him and asks how in the heck I type so fast. [insert first /facepalm here] He's hovering around the 1k dps mark. I explain my addon, and what it's doing, and suggest (very nicely, I swear) that he equip the proper spells to his cast bar. He gets very offensive toward me and insists that he has the highest level spells available. He starts blasting me to the other members in party chat. So I set RankWatch to notify the party whenever he uses a downranked spell.

Now the whole party is telling him to double check his spells. He finally admits he didn't train one because he didn't have enough money [insert second /facepalm here], and that he didn't remember there being any upgrades for the others, and insists my RankWatch is wrong. Since this wasn't game-breaking, and it's only a heroic, we finally let it go and keep moving.

He inevitably gets killed by Ick's poison [insert third /facepalm here], so I rez. The next thing I see in party chat?

"Redletters has used Redemption Rank 6. Max rank is 7 at level 79..." [insert self-/facepalm here]
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