
New Member
Hey everyone,

I want to get some guild groups together to start farming the new ZA/ZG mounts and also to finish up Glory of the Cataclysm hero. I want it to be organized groups so we are not constantly getting new additions and having to go back to content the group has cleared. If you would like to start up a group, you can apply here or contact me in-game via Kracerelect or Epikfail.

I'd like to do some of these, but I'm not able to commit to being on regularly. If you're on and need someone though, just let me know!
What days did you have in mind? I am finally geared up on my resto druid (Tomato) and my hunter Ghallagher is ilvl 348 or so. I'm down for healing or dps. I would love to go on achievement runs.
This will most likely be afternoon runs on the weekend, around 330 GT. I want to get together multiple teams as well.
Hodann, or Zapem would be fit either as dps or healz.

I get off work @7:30-8 ST and can stay up as late as possible. My mom no longer makes me go to bed early but my wife doesn't like me yelling in vent past 12.
sweet so it looks like we have at least one full team! :) how would a thursday work for everyone? or would the weekend be easier?
I'd be up for ne thing. I'm currently collectin' tankin' gearz as well for my pally...I should have him decked out soon...just waiting on my daily truegold cd's for my chest.