My Brute

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Tribe of Judah Membership Administrator
Please click the link and make a quick character. You don't have to play if you don't want, but the more "pupils" I get the stronger my character will become.

My Brute
When it comes to "click this link so my virtual character progresses and/or grows" games, please feel free to add the relevant information to your signature, but please don't create new threads.

Because (and now it's time for me to sound like a boss) if we let one person do it, we have to (in theory) let everyone else do it. And I don't think anyone wants to see this forum devolve into three pages of "CLICK MY DUDE" threads.

No offense intended.

Again, it's fine to have links like that in your sig. In fact, I can think of at least one example of a user who already has a similar link in their sig.

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