Need for Leadership

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Tribe of Judah Accounts Manager
One of the first things I hope to establish with MSC is a strong Leadership foundation. I look foward to appointing leaders who have been called to these positions by the will of God. This is a list of positions that I have need for right now or in the near future.

--Guild recruiter
This position is of major importance as it is how we will advertise the guild to grow in numbers. Two key components to this position require the officer to be able to make recruiting posts to WoW forums, and to have access to ToJ's website to ensure an applicant's acceptance into ToJ before inviting new member to guild. It is expected that the guild recruiter make at least one recruiting post per week on WoW forum boards of some type (,,, etc.) and provide a link to that post in the officers forum. It will be expected that the officer will need to notify the new member of the whereabouts of all things related to the guild either by word of mouth, in-game mail, or email. (forums, staff email, guild officers, guild bank, website, etc.).

--Guild events coordinator
This position has been designed to help create a closer fellowship of all guild members. The position will include setting up instance runs, raids, PvP in BG's, fishing trips and other ingenious activities. This person should be ready to accept new ideas from guild members for new activities or create them themselves. This person will be required to post the dates\times in the forums and/or website and informing guild members via the GMOTD. (guild message of the day)

If you are interested in any of these positions feel free to ask any questions, and I'll get back to you.

Edit: Nov.13 Position of Guild Banker & Bible Study leader filled
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I would like to try out doing the bank guild. If its ok i would like to try it out for about a month and see if it works out for the guild and myself. It sounds like it would be fun to do.
It's me Uel

As most of you know I left another server where I'd played my entire WoW life, had a few 60 ect. Because I felt lead to be in a christian WoW guild, The timing of MSC starting up again, seems to perfect. It's amazing to see God work sometimes I love to look back over my life and see how God has worked in it. I feel lead to put my name in the hat for Bible Study leader,

I've lead youth groups a few different times, during the changing of youth leaders in a 2 different churches, I was a leader in BCM on the local college campus, and my wife to be and I, do bible studies and devo's together. I would love the chance to lead MSC in a God glorifying way. One of my favorite verses in the bible is 1 Cor 10:31 Weather you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Reading that verse reminds me that we are to do all things to the glory of God, Weather it's playing a game, drinking, eating, spending time with our loved ones, in church, at work. We should do it all for God, and to the glory of God.
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