Need help and prayer (WARNING: intense)

MAN! God can do anything for you... when you are battling, just remember CHRIST IS IN YOU, and EVERYTHING must bow the knee to Christ. Hope that gives you inspiration in your fighting... i know it did for mine. Still praying mate
Still Praying for you! I am really grateful for the updates you keep giving us. Thx. I'm praying for both of you.
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Hey all,
I waited to do a post because I was so overwhelmed with everything going on. My wife is really having problems. She is home from work again for two weeks by doctor's orders. I have doctor's orders to take her to the hospital if she gets bad again as well as putting in against her will if she is REALLY bad. This obviously stresses me out but it is even more stressful because her parents don't want her in the hospital and she doesn't want to be there. On top of this, she has some medical problems that have developed which are making her more depressed. I never thought all this would happen. I am way beyond stressed. I don't really know what else to say except PRAY PLEASE! I am not on much obviously, but if you see me on (Sword Rose)... don't be afriad to say hi... I need it.
Praying for you, for the lord to give you strength in this hard time.

"Have you never heard? Have you never understood?
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."
Isaiah 40:28-31

And the church bells rang out across the land saying "Vindication!"
My wife is not better but we have support- my enemies, her parents, have seen the light. Her parents came over today to talk "with" us about what the doctor had said. They started out by saying we were making ourselves sick and that we were lazy. They went on and on. Then, my wonderful wife, in a moment of complete lucidity explained to them exactly what she understood to be going on. I could see their proverbial mental jaws drop as she laid it down before them. After that, they apologized and said they would tell the doctor what they learned. Then... the healing began. My wife is not better but we are less stressed now. We also have an idea of what direction to go with her medicine and her therapy. It is more than I could have asked for with prayer. We have turned a corner, and though it may be slow, progress had begun. Okay, I have had too much caffine lol. Thanks, will keep you updated.
By the way, I love the quote Isaiah: "Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will SOAR ON WINGS LIKE EAGLES. THEY WILL RUN AND NOT GROW WEARY. They will walk and not faint."
Isaiah 40:28-31
I needed that. I feel like I was on the wings of eagles today. You guys and gals rock.
And the church bells rang out across the land saying "Vindication!"

By the way, I love the quote Isaiah: "Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will SOAR ON WINGS LIKE EAGLES. THEY WILL RUN AND NOT GROW WEARY. They will walk and not faint."
Isaiah 40:28-31
I needed that. I feel like I was on the wings of eagles today. You guys and gals rock.
Man that is awesome, Praise God.
Yes that Isaiah quote is my favorite verse at the moment and very inspiring in times of trouble.
No words

Hey all,
I don't really know what to say... My wife went to the doctor today (medical doctor not mental doctor) which she hates to do. I did not realize how scared she was until after we got home and she launched into a fifteen minute tirade where she accused ME of trying to hurt her! I did nothing I know of but say something I wasn't "supposed" to at the doctor's office (I am guessing here because I have NO CLUE what is going on.) I am so thankful that her parents are on my side now- I called her mom at work and she said she would talk to my wife tonight and if she isn't better... my mother-in-law will BACK ME UP in putting her in the hospital. I know that doesn't sound good, and I am not trying to make it sound good, but I am glad to have the support. I am so sad to say this after the good news yesterday. My life feels like a soap opera. I am so lost and confused. I am going to see if I can see my doctor soon.
I wanted to say thanks for the guild for being so supportive during this- first on the boards and now in game- it means so much to me to be able to hang out with friends right now. Please, when you read this, pray for Thrain's friend as well (look at the post) because this is similar to what I am going through and I know the pain. The world is so full of hopelessness right now and there HAS GOT TO BE something we can DO to help the ones we love.
sorry to hear it, but glad you have some people by you now. I will be praying for you and feel free to talk to me anytime you see me on (shining mist, poisened wind, sage of the mists...). Hang in there.
I want to again offer thanks for all your support. I check the site once a day and it helps me. I trying not to update too much because things change so rapidly here and I am personally tired of having my hopes raised and smashed. I feel like the people in the Third Day song "Cry Out To Jesus"- where it says something about a couple who has tired everything to make their marrige work and still can't make it right, losing all their hope in love- that is where I am right now. I wish I could see my doctor more often to talk about this but she is so busy that I am lucky if I get to see her every other week at the most. You all are so awesome at offering me support and everything. Thank you for sticking with me in this dark hour. I will update you if there are any lasting changes made but until then I don't know. Thanks so much.
I want to again offer thanks for all your support. I check the site once a day and it helps me. I trying not to update too much because things change so rapidly here and I am personally tired of having my hopes raised and smashed. I feel like the people in the Third Day song "Cry Out To Jesus"- where it says something about a couple who has tired everything to make their marrige work and still can't make it right, losing all their hope in love- that is where I am right now. I wish I could see my doctor more often to talk about this but she is so busy that I am lucky if I get to see her every other week at the most. You all are so awesome at offering me support and everything. Thank you for sticking with me in this dark hour. I will update you if there are any lasting changes made but until then I don't know. Thanks so much.

I do love that song.
A quick up date

Hey All,
I thought I would write real quick. I just finished basic lay speaking school and will be commisioned next week. Will you join me in praying that my wife will be well enough for one day to come to see the service? My class (about 8 people or so in size) has worked hard to make everything flow and I can't wait to see it work together.
My wife has been so sick lately, phyiscally and mentally, that it has been very hard to deal with. This week we basically see if she still has to stay home or go back to work.... pretty much it will determine if she gets to keep this really good job she wanted for so long. She is so tired of being stuck at home and stuff too.
I am so frusterated beyond words. At one point, my MSN quote was "my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" The good thing that has come out of this is the insurance has covered her hospital stays... what could have been a 2000$ bill is only... 86$. That is so cool! Unfortuantely on the same day that we got the good news, my wife and I had a huge arguement which killed the good mood...
Anyways, that is what is going on. See you later.
small steps

Hey All,
The weather is so beautiful and I am feeling recharged, so I thought I would give you another update. My wife went back to work today, for half days. So far so good. She said she really wants to come to my lay speaking thing too. I just hope everything goes as well as it has been going. Her doctor said she might want to try another job (even though this is where she always dreamed of working) because this one seems to trigger something in her. I will try and catch you all later.