New Plugins Added


I suggest you watch the Videos first.
Write & Read Books! (store them in bookshelves too)

Mailbox: Allows to send packages to someone mailbox!

When multiple people are on, one player can sleep and it makes it day!

How To Use The Mailbox Plugin

How To Use BookWorm
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Awesome! Thanks for letting us know.

And Wolfeman - just close your eyes. ;)
:eek: heheh Wolfeman - I could almost see that Fortress of Solitude text right through my eyelides. :p
New Plugin!
Creative Gates

How do I create a gate?
Build a cool frame in any material(s) you like.
Replace one of the bottom frame blocks with a Iron-Block .
Hit the Iron-Block with a Stick.

How do I close a gate?
Destroy one of the frame blocks.

How are the gates connected to each other?
The gates are connected with all other gates that has the same materials in the frame. The size or design of the gate does not matter. The gates are connected in a circular manner. So you may have 5 gates with the same frame materials and those gates will link to each other like a snake biting it’s tail… ehhh. well you get the idea I hope

Which side of the destination portal will I appear at?
It does NOT matter from which way you enter the portal. North or east side is tested first. If that side is blocked by something then south or west will be tested. If that side also is blocked the gate is skipped entirely.
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Yes, please change the slime ball to something else, the first and last slime I've come across was in dune. o_O - Typically I would not need to build a gate cause I have such great, kind, helpful young men around to build it for me. :D But just in case I do.
That's cool.

One question: in that video, a lot of the items and ui in the game look very different...does anyone know what does that?

nvm...learned about texture packs today :D
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