
New Member
Hey guys, this message is mainly for Elite and anyone else in charge of the money for the server...

The company I work for recently decided to start hosting games on it's T3 because we realized how much extra bandwith we had lying around... From what I gather, ToJ is hosting their CS server with griffinrun and that costs 200 a month... Would you guys be interested in hosting at my company for only 80 a month? We charge at 5$ a person/month so that estimate is for a 16 person server.

It would be on a Dedicated machine running 2.4 ghz p4 with 1gig ram, etc.

Let me know what you think, email me elite if you think this would be a direction you would like to go...

Thanks Guys,
God Bless

(Dave Overcash)
I'm pretty sure we pay around $60 currently with laggyservers, and it's on a faster connection than a T3 as well (correct me if I'm wrong). Our server is probably one of the better servers I've played on. I mean, I get a decent ping, 60-80, and practically zero choke and loss, which is rare these days ... those are stats with my configs at 9999, 101, 101; rate, cl_updaterate, cl_cmdrate respectively.
Yeah they get a good deal with laggyservers b/c of Aaron (Apoc from fls). M1M3R the owner of Laggyservers really likes Aaron and they get a good deal.
I think Funnylookinhat's company is giving a good deal, if our ToJ server isn't paying as much (and is slower or same as T3) i think we should switch it
besides if ToJ was slower then T3, I'd love to see my self hav a better fps and ping :p but if it's not the case, im totally fine wiht ToJ today.

It's now up to Elite and others to decide.
Trust me when I say this Flash...ToJ will prolly stick with Laggyservers just b/c they cheap fast and reliable.

I hope they do anyhow the server is located 20miles East of my home w00t! If you ever notice Myles and I have the lowest pings in the server, its because we live the closest.
Well, if you guys are getting a deal then that is fine. I was just going to offer this in case it would be helpful.
Do any of you have any suggestions on how I could get clans or people to rent servers from my company though? I'm all out of ideas!
I think we do pay around 60 a month for the server. The only one i have found better is the MoG server where i get a ping of 90.

Goose: cl_updaterate 101 ,,, ahahhhhhhh no wonder u pwn me. Does increasing this increase your ping?
Hey Funny,

Thanks for the info! Just for everyone's info, we are paying $68 per month for a 17 man server (1 slot is supposed to be reserved).

I did get this info from Aaron, however, m1m3r is not actually giving us a "deal"...our price is pretty standard across the board. m1m3r is a good guy and the server works fine, so, for now we are good.

Always keep your eyes open, though!
I dunno if he will be. I think he was just saying that his company could do our server for $70 but we already getting a better deal. Anyhow Im tired and about to go sleep sleep so night guys.
Tek, we will host just about any game... Right now I am working on half-life mods but I plan on expanding to quake3, UT2003 (or regular UT), and MOHAA