Ni No Kuni delayed to Winter 2012

I didn't even realize that it had been confirmed for western release, so this is actually good new for me! I am so stoked for this game.
Good news: Namco Bandai is still planning to localize Level-5 and Studio Ghibli's beautiful PS3 RPG, Ni no Kuni. The bad news: the release date is already slipping. Originally announced for winter of 2012, Namco announced a new "Q1 2013" release date for both North America and Europe at a press event today.
Source: Ni no Kuni delayed until Q1 2013


As consolation for the game getting delayed (again), check out this new trailer.

If there's a dual-language option (Japanese and English), I will most definitely purchase this game (after it goes on sale, of course).
Very late, but looking at 2013 ;-;
(Just decided to hop ont he forums today and remembered this thread)

Also got to play it Anime Expo last week. Gorgeous game in-person. Also, who couldn't like Studio Ghibli. : )