Not pleased

Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord - Romans 12:19.

(This is not really for CS hackers but in general. )

This is the only comforting feeling I get when I see all the injustice in this world. Someone stole my debit card number and charged it to some website. They got away with STEALING $500 of mine. I have no idea who this fool is, nor do I care. He may not get caught this time, but what comes around goes around. What you sew is what you reap. If he doesn't get caught in this lifetime, he will stand before God in judgement.

Unfortunately, I too, will be standing before God in judgement...but I am forgiven and covered by the blood of Christ who washed my sins away.

If you guys ever feel there has been injustice, trust that God will take care of the situation. I used to be so vindictive, but God has shown me that he is in control and those who did the injustice will surely get their reward.
word Elite!

-hope no ones steels my debit card, i need that $3.