Obama wins VA, MD and DC!!!

and this is all about the communists....... oooppps, I mean the socialist... oops I mean the demoncrats.....oooops, I mean the democrats winning the primaries how?

edit: disclaimer: the above comments are not intended to attack any one person's political affiliation, rather are a comment on the democratic candidates that are available for the primaries
The way I see it the choice should be made by the individual. What I don't like is how many hospitals pretty much market abortion. The person needs to be informed and understand that they are taking a life if they abort it. I don't really think it is a sin to abort a baby so long as their is a justifiable reason and it is not made out of selfishness. A person who is too young to bear a child should not be forced to go through the pregnancy, if they were able to abort they might be able to live a normal life without having to quit school. I think saving someone from a harsh life being raised by a mother who can barely support you is morally acceptable.

You apparently do not know the inherent physical and mental risks proven to be with abortion, depression, cancers, Loss of fertility..etc etc. Your statement i don't think it's sin belies some of your apparent indifference. The bible clearly states that children are a gift from God. What you do or do not think is sin is irrelevant..the Bible determines that. When the bible is brought to bear on this issue how is the killing of an innocent, unborn child justifiable to a Christian?
I don't see this as a good thing either. The democratic candidates are all too pro-choice for me. Last thing this country needs when it's already losing its morals.
Ditto. I will not vote for a pro-choice candidate. I'm not a single-issue voter where I vote solely based on one issue, but it is a dealbreaker for me.

As for legislation regarding abortion, I think it is despicable that we don't allow teens to take even pain reliever at school without a parent's permission but that girls can undergo a major medical procedure like abortion, with its high risks, without their knowledge, and that they can get prescriptions for medications like birth control pills, with all their risks,.

And informed consent? You can't undergo any medical procedure without full disclosure of risks and alternatives (barring emergency surgery in some instances)...except abortion.

We worship at the shrine of choice. Abortion is not just a "choice;" it's ending a life; even if you shy away from calling an unborn baby a "person", it's at least a potential life.

I will add that for me, abortion hits very close to home. Paul and I were both born in 1973, the year of Roe v. Wade. Both of our parents had reason to abort us; different parents may well have done so. In my case, my mom was not married when she got pregnant (though she did marry my dad before I was born).

Who would you have known if Roe v. Wade had never been passed? What close friend will you never know because someone chose abortion?
It's like they think they can take care of us better than we can take care of ourselves.

It's not that they think they can take care of us better, they want you to become dependant on them for everything. Thereby getting more power and infuence over you. Why do you think they want gun reform, they want to cram their beliefs down your throat without you being able to do anything about it.
I really don't see how having the option for federal healthcare is a completely negative thing.

How is it bad to offer care to people that cannot afford their own healthcare, or to people who cannot get it due to a pre-existing condition?

It isn't like they are forcing you to use their healthcare and rid yourself of your own. And if I am wrong, please provide me with a link where I can enlighten myself.
I really don't see how having the option for federal healthcare is a completely negative thing.

How is it bad to offer care to people that cannot afford their own healthcare, or to people who cannot get it due to a pre-existing condition?

It isn't like they are forcing you to use their healthcare and rid yourself of your own. And if I am wrong, please provide me with a link where I can enlighten myself.

Hoosier Healthwise (Government Health Care for people who cannot afford it) has always covered pre-existing conditions, believe me, we use it all the time...
I really don't see how having the option for federal healthcare is a completely negative thing.

How is it bad to offer care to people that cannot afford their own healthcare, or to people who cannot get it due to a pre-existing condition?

It isn't like they are forcing you to use their healthcare and rid yourself of your own. And if I am wrong, please provide me with a link where I can enlighten myself.

Unfortunately, that's exactly their plan. Implementing single payer health care is all about removing choices, not adding them. And this is the kind of care that results.

I'm sure that you can find details of the health care changes that Hillary proposed back in the 90s (I'm at work, so don't have time to chase them down), but, as I recall, it would have taken about 15% of the entire US economy, and put it under Hillary's direct control (remember, she hadn't been elected so much as dog catcher at this point in time).

I have a coworker that grew up in Canada and told me a story that I think further illustrates the differences (not to bash on Canada, or anything...). He, here in California, and his aunt, in Canada, both needed an MRI. He for a minor sports injury, she for a potentially life-threatening condition. He had to wait less than 8 hours to get his - she had to wait over 18 months to get hers.

Based on the history of the whole 'single payer health care' advocacy, along with seeing how efficient *cough* socialized medicine is in the places it's used (VA hospitals, anyone??), I'm 100% against it. Our current system could definitely use some fixing, but I'm of the opinion that the key factors needed aren't governmental control (when have they made ANYTHING more efficient?!?), but more in the areas of tort reform and immigration control (unfortunately, in the areas heavily populated by illegal immigrants of whatever origin, ERs report a prevalence of illegals using the ER in place of a primary care provider, as ERs can't turn anyone down. Wait times go up, costs have to be absorbed by those who can pay (insurance companies - resulting in higher premiums for everyone), and quality of service suffers).
I may be wrong but Obam winning the popular vote isn't going to mean that much. The dems have something called superdelegates that are not bound to the popular vote at all. HIllary i'm sure has most of them wrapped up. We'll see what happens but I'm thinking she's next in the cherry throne(mccain doesn't stand a chance).

I hate to revive a thread, but this is the ultimate in irony, rite thar.