Officer Nominations

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Active Member
Hello All,

Due to the amazing growth of Redeemed WAR we are currently taking nominations for two or possibly three officer positions they are-

  • Be first contact for potential members
  • Use outside sources to gather more Christians to our body
  • Guide people thru the ToJ application process
  • Help connect new people to the Body

Bro. T.

Spiritual Formations Officer
  • Help officers guide the guild in the spiritual elements of a Christian guild
  • Help develop a schedule of Bible Studies and Prayer times
  • Aid in keeping the Spiritual Growth of the guild as a focus


To be an officer the following qualifications must be met-

1. Be a mature believer (usually at least 3 to 5 years)
2. Be over 21 years old
3. Be a positive influence on the guild
4. Have served in Christian leadership before

All nominations will be contacted to see if they are interested in the position and then set up to be interviewed by a group of officers. Due to the youth of our guild the officers will be appointing these positions, as opposed to a guild vote.

Please nominate here or with on officer in game.
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I second all of the above nominations! I also nominate Samsomite & Shebaey for Spiritual formations, and Durick & Ambriana for recruiters.
I second all of the above nominations! I also nominate Samsomite & Shebaey for Spiritual formations, and Durick & Ambriana for recruiters.

I am not mature, nor am I a positive influence! Besides, I'd just rather not- unless you really need someone and can't find anyone else.
...Help develop a schedule of Bible Studies and Prayer times...

I just wanted to say that I enjoyed the DAoC days when we would meet at the church in Camelot and Malohaut would talk about something He learned in his walk with God and we'd go out and wander around the lands associating things in-game to christian ideas. If he happens to be around somewhere, I'd nominate him.

Also, I'd love to see a similar format for guild meetings again.

I will be contacting all the following to see if they would be interested in serving.

We will also be looking for a guild banker from these nominations.
We have a guild bank? Just kidding...I know its in that imaginary city that I keep hearing about but have yet to find.
Not sure if you are done promotions or not...but I nominate Odale as Benevolent Dictator for Life....that is all.
it would help if that dude Icthus would get his mic fixed and he would remember this game is more important than all that real life stuff that he is doing.

Then maybe we could move forward on some of this silly officer stuff.
it would help if that dude Icthus would get his mic fixed and he would remember this game is more important than all that real life stuff that he is doing.

Then maybe we could move forward on some of this silly officer stuff.

Yea.....'cause he is the only officer.....or the only one who can organize it? Make Wall/Fj/Baddwin/Odale do it!
Pithy is an ajective describing a type of hat normally worn by the English in Africa. Example: My, what a pithy hat you have.

NOTE: The above is meant to be punny.
Pithy, when used accurately, which Deut did, describes speech or writing that is short, direct and memorable.
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