Our server is going away...PLEASE read!


New Member
You read it right, guys and gals. Our server is going away. Why? Because there just isn't enough donation money coming in and Plankeye simply cannot afford the server bill every month, out of pocket.

You ask how we can avoid losing our server? Donations! Yes, that's right! Please send your donations to 'donations@toj.cc' via PayPal and in the comments area let us know that it's to go to the CS server - this part is very important!

Or, you can click on the link below and it will also give you different options:


If you all feel like being generous and not having to go without a server, we will need at least $150 by Thursday morning to cover our next month of usage costs. I myself will be donating to further the cause, so I hope that everyone will be able to do so. I'll keep everyone updated on this.

Call your friends and co-members of ToJ and let them know what's going on...the more support we get, the longer the server stays up.

Thanks for understanding, and let me know if you have any questions.
EGAH I wanna help but I'm kinda strung out to :( I kinda owe some people some money not to mention some of my own expenses [>_<] everybody that can donate now!!
Thanks guys...I think everyone is strapped but if we get 15 people to donate only $10 then we solve this pretty easy. Or even easier, 30 people to donate $5!

I myself have a very expensive month, as I'll be traveling every weekend but since this is something that's important to me I'll set aside some cash for it. It means something to me, and I hope you all can find it to try and do the same.

Thanks again...it's a pleasure serving with you all!
When I go to my Grandma's house I'll get my Granpa yo donate some money. He won't care as long as I pay him back. I would do it myself but I don't have any money (I'm going to New York over the Summer so I have to save).
Guys, thanks for your support, it will greatly help. I'm not sure if we're making a dent in the payment for the next month but I'll keep you updated.

Alan can you tell me how much server costs per month, I might be able to find someone to scrouge some money up...and whatever happen to our sponsorship packet LoJ and someone else was working on...I mean we've been meaning to get sponsored for a year++ now.
ToJ | Dead_Aim said:
and whatever happen to our sponsorship packet LoJ and someone else was working on...I mean we've been meaning to get sponsored for a year++ now.
We still need staff to work on this project! If you rock at writing, graphic design, advertising, or marketing AND want to help create promotional materials, please e-mail me at tek7 AT toj DOT cc.

I just presented my media kit for Tribe of Judah in Public Relations Writing class today. (I'm still in the class.) I have a few pieces (Fact Sheet, FAQ sheet, flyer) that I can use for the Sponsor Information Package as well. Unfortunately, I can't dedicate the time to create the other items we'll need. We still need people to volunteer to help put the SIP together.

I'll also talk with Ember about donating some funds to ToJ this month, but I can't make any promises as I'm having to spend money on shipping several items in for RMA. That, and we're both poor college students living on school loans. Grr.
$$ donated, left a note make it clear that the funds should be directed to the server.

Just want to make sure it actually gets where it's going though; last time I made a donation, I checked with Plank and it wasn't clear whether my donation made it to him or not.

Thanks to all for the donations. As of yesterday morning, we got $40 from 3 people...


Someone donated a larger amount late yesterday and I don't know how much Shagz donated but we've got it covered for this month. Let's pray for provision next month and the month after and on down the road.

DA - the server costs $155 per month, which includes quite a bit, not just a public CS server.

Keep on donating! Thank you all for what you've been able to do so far...
Oh, and when donating money ALWAYS specify that it is for the CS server. Thad, who is a CS player, server admin, and the treasurer will certainly make sure it's being directed to the right spot.

Thanks again!
You're welcome...there's more to come soon :)

Please, people! If you have the money, please donate.
Shagz said:
$$ donated, left a note make it clear that the funds should be directed to the server.

Just want to make sure it actually gets where it's going though; last time I made a donation, I checked with Plank and it wasn't clear whether my donation made it to him or not.


It might have been delayed, but it did get to Plank. 90% of the donations we get go to Plank for the server.

hey would whoever does the donations e-mail reply to me cuz ive asked 2x for psyical adress.....
I have 1 email from you asking dated yesterday...thats it. I did not have a chance to reply last night, but will get to it today.
