Possible shortage of Rune Priest and Archmage


Active Member
Recent Gilgadocs have pointed out a shortage of main-healers. Specifically the Archmage and Runepriest.

Any new members that enjoy healing, we recommend trying out one of these classes. Not only are they a lot of fun, but they are quite needed through out the game.

I am keeping the website http://redeemed.cc up to date with class population under the recruitment sidebar area.
Ooh, you guys need the three classes I love. :p

/just 2 more weeks. T___T

What a turn of events. At first it seemed like everyone wanted to play a healer.

I have a RP that isn't in the guild yet. I am still not set in stone between my BW or my RP for my main. I think I will be able to tell better once I get them both to 12.
Tim here (Jin). I can roll an archmage. Didn't get a chance to try one out during the closed beta, but they seem pretty fun. I was looking for a good support class to play. I'll start one today, keep an eye out for Naquin.
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I've really just started and am not putting much time in per week but I have a lvl 8 Archmage at the moment on Red Eye
Just made a archmage (goin healing tree) alt
i like him but in rvr noone protects the healers
grrrr! lol
*sigh* way to get the guild to zerg my class...

And what's with calling archmagi healers? If we don't do quite a lot of damage, our healing is slow and painful compared to runepriests. I find that in most situations, I'm more useful dotting, debuffing and hotting than focusing on MOREHEALZ!

Yeah, I have to heal to be most effective, but if somebody goes down fast, there's no point in whining because they died before my big morale heal popped. I've tried playing like a wow priest or Runepriest, and my 3 second large heal is just way to slow for most situtations.

Of course, it pops immediately if I do five damage spells first, but if I'm doing five DOTs per heal, people will start whining again that they're not getting the uberhealz.

Scottish, I find RvR is usually not that bad. Occasionally, our team will be very spread out and I drop every thirty seconds in combat, but if there's a group of even 4 or 5, just staying in the group serves as protection enough. Archmagi aren't all that squishy since we can throw up three HOTs as well as a shield and then deflect 50% melee damage... 1 on 1 I can stay up against anybody, and if there's a group, I just run around like a madman with my insta-spells until the destro gets tired of trying to follow me around all my blockers.
There are definitely 3 healer classes available for us. I have seen in a tier 2 scenario a RP, AM, and a WP all top over 60k in healing. So the job can be done by all 3. The thing is that certain ones are much harder to play in regards to main healing, and very situational. Both the WP and AM have to be continually doing damage in order to produce the quality heals, The WP's job is even harder as his damage has to be melee.

The RP certainly does seem to have the easiest run at being a main healer and puts up the big healing numbers more then the others in my experience. Although I might contribute that to RP players being focused on their job as a healer, where both the AM and WP players tend to be selfish and do damage while healing themselves only. (not ours of course, just PuGs..:))

In the end all 3 will be great in the hands of someone who is sold out to healing and skilled enough to pull it off with their specific class. Having a balanced amount of each in the guild will be the best situation and since the guild RP and AM numbers are so low, hence the reason for this post and call to arms.

here is the latest gilgadoc, seems like the DPS is filling out nicely, depending on if people stay with their class. Whitelions rock we could still use more there I bet.
How does one register on this list?

My main is looking to be a BW. Also, I have an engineer and runepriest sitting around. I know that there's a 2 char limit for the guild but don't know who to join into the guild yet.


You can change my main from Kaleb to Vahlsyndri. We're more in need of White Lions than Warrior Priests, so I've made the switch official.
Zeb -- I update the list every few days based on what Mythic shows here.

So anyhow, just get your toon to 10 and soon after that, you should see yourself on the list.
Noix will hit 10 soon, which is a alt of mine, as you can tell by my sig image...
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I started an archmage...crit name is jularc. What's the rules on alts and guilding? I think I read somewhere that there can be a main and one alt in the guild...
