Praise you all!!


New Member
Hello my fellow Christians/ Redeemies! Due to the recent events that have been happening in guild I felt led to read over the love chapter in the Bible.... yes Corinthians 13.
I've been in the guild for almost a year now, joined shortly after I first started playing WoW and I just want to say that I LOVE YOU GUYS! Redeemed is truly a sanctuary in the world of warcraft, a family. I know WoW is just a game, something I/we do in free time, but it makes that free time more special because it's fellowship and good fun. Just the fact that we were all brought together by our common beliefs is a great thing. I don't think I would still play wow if I hadn't found this safe place.
So I opened this thread in attempts to spur a conversation filled with encouraging words by brothers and sisters in Christ towards each other. If I've taken anything from life and from this social game, I've taken the wisdom that EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE UPLIFTED WITH LOVE AND ENCOURAGEMENT, and most certainly our fellow believers out there. God bless you endlessly
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Thank you Belenah! Love is truly a gift from the Father. It is awesome to see God's people living together in peace and joy.

I too am blessed by the fellowship in this guild.
I used to play wow for loot. I've got 2 little girls and don't have as much time to raid. The reason i still play this game is because of my friends in Redeemed! You guys rock! I've loved being part of the community we have. The coolest thing is i've met like 20 redeemed members IRL as our travels cross. Friends>Loot 4ever!
I used to play wow for loot. I've got 2 little girls and don't have as much time to raid. The reason i still play this game is because of my friends in Redeemed! You guys rock! I've loved being part of the community we have. The coolest thing is i've met like 20 redeemed members IRL as our travels cross. Friends>Loot 4ever!

Then there are others that you could have met but something about traveling a ton and you were tired...

I play because of friends, like last night have a fun talk about Liberation Theology in vent !! WOOT!!
This reminds me I need to get on vent more often when I play.
This reminds me I need to get on vent more often when I play.

uhmmm........Yeah... all the funny stuff happens there.. :D

besides i like to hear the people behind the text. Looking forward to hearing you all in vent :)
I love it in Redeemed. There is always interesting conversations going on and interesting people to talk with. I started playing a little after BC came out, becoming one of the few main shamans in Redeemed and playing with Lukey, Heavencent, Mirialla, Illyria, and Chinatown who I knew all in real life. Though they aren't playing anymore there are still people in redeemed I have fun with, especially when I learned the "Tebran pull" in Shadow labs @_@. Fun times.
I used to play wow for loot. I've got 2 little girls and don't have as much time to raid. The reason i still play this game is because of my friends in Redeemed! You guys rock! I've loved being part of the community we have. The coolest thing is i've met like 20 redeemed members IRL as our travels cross. Friends>Loot 4ever!
:D Although I must say I am soooo picky when it comes to video games...I only play two when I can haha. The social blessing was a plus at first, but now it's become a big part of the reason :)
It was a blessing to be received back. When I reactivated my account last week and popped on just to say hi, you who were on shared your love in the "welcome back's" and it reminded me of the family which is redeemed. Thanks for loving us even when we aren't able to be there to play all the time.
Yes, Wow is a game, but Redeemed is a organization that not only games but attempts to reach out and minister to people. It provides fellowship. We are not perfect, but we try to offer a safe, uplifting AND fun enviroment for Christians to game and fellowship. We pray for our members, and try to build relationships with them. Members can join us/each other in vent, at any time (not just for raids). We have lots of interesting discussions there and fun times! The leadership tries to look not just to their own interest, but to the also to the interest of others. Anyone is welcome to come talk to me anytime, my ear is always open……well unless I am in the middle of tanking a big mob.
Blessings,Goodwone – Guild Liason/Communications/Head Recruiter

Philippians 2
Imitating Christ's Humility
1If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. 3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
5Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
6Who, being in very nature[a] God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
7but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
9Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Redeemed has always been a place for me to go and relax and be myself with fellow gamers and christians! Its always great having friends like goodwone, cit, drknow, tree,and so many others that i cant even name.
I have had my rough patches but yall have helped me through it and i thank you for it.
Redeemed has always been a place for me to go and relax and be myself with fellow gamers and christians! Its always great having friends like goodwone, cit, drknow, tree,and so many others that i cant even name.
I have had my rough patches but yall have helped me through it and i thank you for it.

See, and you wonder why I give yu a hard time? with a group that you listed, someone has to keep your ego in check. That's my job, hehe...

FYI - I may give you a hard time, but I am one of those people that thought you could handle the CL job. So, even if I give you a hard time, I think highly of you. Quick and read this cause I can't leave this up to long, it would mess with my image.
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See, and you wonder why I give yu a hard time? with a group that you listed, someone has to keep your ego in check. That's my job, hehe...

FYI - I may give you a hard time, but I am one of those people that thought you could handle the CL job. So, even if I give you a hard time, I think highly of you. Quick and read this cause I can't leave this up to long, it would mess with my image.

Quoted for posterity!!! :D
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It was a blessing to be received back. When I reactivated my account last week and popped on just to say hi, you who were on shared your love in the "welcome back's" and it reminded me of the family which is redeemed. Thanks for loving us even when we aren't able to be there to play all the time.

Spek! I noticed you back on the roster a few days ago! Maher and I were just reminiscing and I thought of you, welcome back!
See, and you wonder why I give yu a hard time? with a group that you listed, someone has to keep your ego in check. That's my job, hehe...

FYI - I may give you a hard time, but I am one of those people that thought you could handle the CL job. So, even if I give you a hard time, I think highly of you. Quick and read this cause I can't leave this up to long, it would mess with my image.

Quoted for posterity!!! :D

seconded to make if official
Spek! I noticed you back on the roster a few days ago! Maher and I were just reminiscing and I thought of you, welcome back!

LOL, I was thinking about you all too... Weird... Good to be back... Time to revamp raiding again for new stuff. Speaking of... Maher not playing his hunter? Haven't seen him on.
not sure he ran away i think who knows
but thanks mordos =) i learned from the best.
I owe a lot to you and so does fox.. in raids you put up with us and pushed us to points we didnt know we could reach. thank you
Maher is on his death knight Xpunginator (or something like that) if you are looking for him lol.