Prayer before rounds...


New Member
So, my idea is...
about every 10 rounds of gameplay, maybe have a quick 2-3 minute prayer-break?  at this time players could submit prayer requests in game, or just have some silent time in between rounds of mutilation...hehe.
I thought of this because I find myself getting addicted to playing the game, and while I know i'm playing w/ a Godly group of people, I thought it might also be a good reminder about where our true focus should lie.  At this point it's just an idea, so if you have suggestions, be sure and comment so maybe something will happen!

Happy gaming...
John 15:5
"He is the vine and we are the branches...Apart from him we can do nothing."
I have done this before with good results.
I remember the A team used (still?) to pray before and after matches

Although one thing you cant get into the habit of doing is making it so routine, that it loses it meaning.
And its also easy to get so caught up in the game that you forget and start playing for yourself.
These are just some personal experiences that I have had while P.W.P (Praying While Playing).

Curious to hear about other peoples' experiences.
i think that every 10 rounds would get repitious. i think we should all get together at 1 bomb site/hostie area when we start a new map.
it would be nifty, if there was a way to extend the freeze time on the pistol round, and have a csay that says 'take a minute to pray.'
interesting idea, but im afraid in the middle of prayer we're gonna hear a bunch of guys loading up their guns and stuff
I suggest praytime when people are dead? I mean the fact still remains that we have non Christians playing in the server and I doubt at "prayer time" there gonna sit in spawn and pray. Not to bash this great idea Im all for it if we can get the proper plans worked out.
*in middle of prayer* WHAT HOW CAN I DIE I SHOT HIM IN HEAD 7 TIMES!!!
I think that prayer before and after scrims and Fun Nights is an excellent idea, but might not be practical for public server time. Still, I don't have the final say and I don't mean to discourage anyone from brainstorming ways to make this work even for public server times.

Even if there's no practical way to make it work for public server times, it's encouraging to read the suggestion as it proves that we're continually shifting our focus from gaming to ministry.
How about having an admin tsay a prayer at each map change. ToJ members could take the moment and pray along. After awhile, the pubbers will likely pause as well. And should we get hs'ed in spawn...oh well. God prefers we take the minute anyway, God doesn't care about kill ratio's on CS
you can always do a restart, if ppl are going to be anal about there K:D ratio.... or just have a prolonged freeze at the begining of each map, or at the end u can set the freeze time before it switches over to the next one.
that sounds cool, but we will need admins in there at the sametime. i also agree that when we do it, the server should be locked off for ToJ members only because if the servers public, other people wont care and say they're "atheist" just to get us mad and they will do whatever the stink they want, ex. - little tommy goes up to me while im praying at a bombsite (or whichever place were doing it, but the bombsite idea is great!) and shoots everyone in the head. then what happens? slap? slay? kick? ban? who knows.???
True True..i say we pray before tourneys and fun nights and even afterwards..We all just stay spectators and have only toj member able to come into the server. No way there would be shooting then...but prayer is important and we have to pray!!

God Bless,
Brandon Justice