Prayer Concern


New Member
Hey All,
I have been hesitating to post this prayer concern- just because I have been having trouble admitting I need other people to pray for me. Let me explain what is going on and you can decide how best to pray for me because I honestly don't know. Right now, my wife and I are living at my parents' house but this weekend we will be moving into my in-laws. This is a potentially volital situation but we have no other choice. My wife is also physically sick and we do not know what is wrong with her- she is going to a doctor soon to find out what can be done. Now, on the other side of things, I found out today that they are not going to give me fulltime at work- which I desparately need. I have decided, after a lot of talking and thinking, to look for a new job.... I feel a bit like Job right now and I don't know what to do. I am really upset and so is my wife. Please keep us in your prayers! Thank you.

You mentioned Job. Here's a passage that will hopefully give you a little bit of hope. It does that for me when I need God to help.

Job 38 (NIV)

1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm. He said:
2 "Who is this that darkens my counsel
with words without knowledge?
3 Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
and you shall answer me.
4 "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation?
Tell me, if you understand.
5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
Who stretched a measuring line across it?
6 On what were its footings set,
or who laid its cornerstone-
7 while the morning stars sang together
and all the angels shouted for joy?
8 "Who shut up the sea behind doors
when it burst forth from the womb,
9 when I made the clouds its garment
and wrapped it in thick darkness,
10 when I fixed limits for it
and set its doors and bars in place,
11 when I said, 'This far you may come and no farther;
here is where your proud waves halt'?
12 "Have you ever given orders to the morning,
or shown the dawn its place,
13 that it might take the earth by the edges
and shake the wicked out of it?
14 The earth takes shape like clay under a seal;
its features stand out like those of a garment.
15 The wicked are denied their light,
and their upraised arm is broken.
16 "Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea
or walked in the recesses of the deep?
17 Have the gates of death been shown to you?
Have you seen the gates of the shadow of death?
18 Have you comprehended the vast expanses of the earth?
Tell me, if you know all this.
19 "What is the way to the abode of light?
And where does darkness reside?
20 Can you take them to their places?
Do you know the paths to their dwellings?
21 Surely you know, for you were already born!
You have lived so many years!
22 "Have you entered the storehouses of the snow
or seen the storehouses of the hail,
23 which I reserve for times of trouble,
for days of war and battle?
24 What is the way to the place where the lightning is dispersed,
or the place where the east winds are scattered over the earth?
25 Who cuts a channel for the torrents of rain,
and a path for the thunderstorm,
26 to water a land where no man lives,
a desert with no one in it,
27 to satisfy a desolate wasteland
and make it sprout with grass?
28 Does the rain have a father?
Who fathers the drops of dew?
29 From whose womb comes the ice?
Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens
30 when the waters become hard as stone,
when the surface of the deep is frozen?
31 "Can you bind the beautiful Pleiades?
Can you loose the cords of Orion?
32 Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons
or lead out the Bear with its cubs?
33 Do you know the laws of the heavens?
Can you set up God's dominion over the earth?
34 "Can you raise your voice to the clouds
and cover yourself with a flood of water?
35 Do you send the lightning bolts on their way?
Do they report to you, 'Here we are'?
36 Who endowed the heart with wisdom
or gave understanding to the mind?
37 Who has the wisdom to count the clouds?
Who can tip over the water jars of the heavens
38 when the dust becomes hard
and the clods of earth stick together?
39 "Do you hunt the prey for the lioness
and satisfy the hunger of the lions
40 when they crouch in their dens
or lie in wait in a thicket?
41 Who provides food for the raven
when its young cry out to God
and wander about for lack of food?
tuff stuff, but dont ever hesitate to post here spud, we're like family here, or at least try to be. praying for ya
I'm praying for peace, healing, and provision in your lives, and I'm hoping it comes in overwhelming abundance.

That passage from Job reminded me of Psalm 22, and particularly of verse 24, "For [God] has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help."
We are a family here. :) Brothers and sisters.
You can rest assured that this is a safe place to go with any problems you are having as well as any prayer you may need...ALWAYS :)
we're like family here, or at least try to be.
LOL try... no we are family here, even if we live on the other side of the world and have never met and never had a big christmas gathering...
I'm praying for you, dont lose hope!
Sigh... I am so confused. Here is an update on my situation. My boss found out that someone had cut hours where they weren't supposed to while she was on vacation. So she tried to fix it and now I am fulltime again, for the meantime. However, while she was gone, I started looking for a new job because I seriously thought they were going to fire me. I have an interview next Wednesday for a really good company... needless to say I am nervous. I am dreading working at my current job because my other boss came back from vacation and I am almost sure she hates me or at least my work. So there is a lot of friction there. My wife is still sick, but seems to be getting better (we think), but we are still trying to find a way to get her to the doctor. She is working a temp job right now and it is hard to get to the office when it is open or take time off for this.
On a better note, my in-laws are better than I remembered... so far. I don't know if I changed and understand more now or if they changed, or if its both. I see now that I can get along with them fine, it is just my wife doesn't get along too well with her own parents! So it is both a little less and a little more stressful in different ways.
I am anxious to get settled down because I want to go back to school. However I am afraid of this too because I used to be sure I had "The Call" but I am not so sure now anymore- just because it has been a month or two since I talked to the person that helped me see it. So I am afraid of going to school for the wrong thing... I don't want to waste my time but at the same time I want a job I will enjoy. It is all this waiting again that is driving me nuts! lol. I can't wait for the lay speaking class in Febuarary that I may be taking. Wanted to say thanks for the prayers so far- because I feel good today and it has been a while since I said that- so keep it up:D .
:) Continued Prayer! Also we need to have a big Christmas party sometime! Oh wait it is planned already! And all the saints (Christians) before us will be there too!
I am anxious to get settled down because I want to go back to school. However I am afraid of this too because I used to be sure I had "The Call" but I am not so sure now anymore- just because it has been a month or two since I talked to the person that helped me see it. So I am afraid of going to school for the wrong thing... I don't want to waste my time but at the same time I want a job I will enjoy.
I don't think that's at all odd. You recognize that, whatever call God has placed on your life, there's another call He has placed on your life: husband. Many seminary couples I know have experienced the same thing; there's almost always the fear that you won't be able to do what you need to for your family. (If I'm reading something into your concerns that isn't there, I apologize.)

I won't say what vocational calling God has placed on your life; I don't know you or your situation well enough for that. But I did want to let you know that your doubts don't necessarily mean you aren't called.

I'll be praying for you and your family.

Well, more good news it seems. I took my wife to the doctor and it seems that all her problems are stress related... That's a huge relief because we thought they might be caused by something worse that she has a family history for. Still the doctor had to do some blood work to make sure and they said they'd call if there was anything. I am hoping since they haven't called yet, that it is nothing urgent. On another note, we are finally getting our own apartment if all goes well this week- and it should. I had to have my interview reschedueled for the other job I was looking at and I don't know when I will be able to go in, plus they haven't called me back even though they were the ones that wanted to rescheduel. That is about all the news I have for now, I will keep you posted! Thanks for all the uber prayers! :D
Well, more good news it seems. I took my wife to the doctor and it seems that all her problems are stress related... That's a huge relief because we thought they might be caused by something worse that she has a family history for. Still the doctor had to do some blood work to make sure and they said they'd call if there was anything. I am hoping since they haven't called yet, that it is nothing urgent. :D

Great news, and we will continue to pray about the blood test.

Kel Queen of all Europe
What is going on???

Hey all,
I am hesitant to post an update because things aren't going so well. I need the prayers though and I know you guys and gals listen. :) Yesterday was my anniversary... and things went horribly wrong. It was like everything in our first year was encapsled in one day. I really thought we were getting better but it seems that was just a bandaid solution. We are in our own place but it is like nothing happened. I am also worried about my wife because I think she needs to talk to a medical professional but we don't have health insurance. I am just so angry, sad, frusterated all at once because this has been my one sacred thing that has given me lots of hope. Now it seems like everything I have hoped in is failing me. Please pray for my marrige. I have not been in GW for a while but I guess this explains why. I am trying to do my best. Thanks. :confused:
Praying for you brother! We all go through the valleys and boy does it stink! Remember Keep the Lord first he will not give you more than you can chew! Rely on Him and you and your wife will come out stronger and a better happier marriage. Prayer will continue!
Hehe the first years of marrage are the worst. Adding to that the fact that both of you are in stressful times makes it even worst. I will make sure to keep you in my prayers.