Prayer request for a new forum member

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New Member
Yep, it's me you'll be praying for

My introduction and prayer request pretty much go hand in hand so I'll just tell you about myself and put a summary of things to pray about at the end.

I'm a christian and have been for about 8 years. I was saved at 25 and that means (for those with math difficulties) that I'm 33 now.

About a year and a half ago I was doing very well at a job that I loved and everything just sort of fell apart due to bad health problems. I had bad insomnia which we found out was triggered because of sleep apnea which we figured out was because of acid-reflux. It's been a long 17 months heh. Anyway my first prayer request is for my continued recovery from all of these health problems.

Because of all my health issues my employer had to let me go. They were great and supported me as long as they could on their insurance. I'd love to get back with them but they had to fill my position. I'm still not quite back to where I could work for them yet anyway since the job requires a ton of driving and I still have days where I don't feel rested enough to drive safely. So my second prayer request is that I find a job. Right now I'm being supported by my parents and while they are great parents for being there for me, I can't tell you what a blow to the ego it is to have to crawl back to your parents for support at my age.

My church is also an issue. I was going to a small church when my health became an issue and I was a member of the lead team heading up the prayer ministry. Not that that was anything extraordinary in a church of less than 30 members hehe. Anyway, my health has kept me from getting up there much at all this whole time and aside from the pastor who is a good friend of mine, the rest of the church really hasn't reached out at all the whole time I've been away. I've gotten a couple of emails and that's about it. It's really made me question if I belong there or if I'm even wanted there. My prayer request here is for some peace in this area and if I'm to leave then where should I go to church?

Lastly, I'm a avid gamer. I've played D&D since I was 8 or 9. I've played computer games since they first appeared and I love them. While I have a regular group of local friends that I play games with, our different tastes in games led me to seek out a gaming guild that I would fit well with. I've been with one now for a little over a year. The guys in it are great and I love them but the majority aren't believers and it makes getting on TeamSpeak with them pretty hard sometimes since I have a particular sensitivity to bad language (specifically GDs). I've been torn lately as to whether I need to stay with them or not. Surely the best thing for them is for me to stay and witness through my actions. The best thing for me though is probably to leave since the language thing really weakens me spiritually. So my prayer request here is just for a clear sign on what I should do and if I should leave then where should I look for another gaming guild to have fun with.

Summary of prayer requests -

My health needs to continue to improve
I need to find a job
I need to have peace about where I should go to church
I need to have peace about staying with my gaming guild

Thank you,

My name is Jay for those who will be praying for me.
Awesome Jay, great to meet you.

I'll surely keep you in mind

See ya around,


Take care, have fun, and God bless.
Thank you all for the prayers. I have a small update in that I made it to church this last Sunday and had a good time seeing everyone. I still don't have peace about staying or not but it did go well.

Take care and thank you again.

Another update -

I've made it to church a couple of times and my health is still slowly improving. I had a nice long talk with my pastor that convinced me I need to stay at his church. Things are going better now but I appreciate any continued prayers especially for a job.

Thanks again,

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