PRAYER REQUESTS! (here's a whole load) Guild Wars Thursday Bible Meeting



Guild Wars
Stardate 031606.200821 (after the "." 20=T, 08=H, &!)

:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

What are the smiley faces for? Because I believe that anyone who takes the time to say a prayer really honors God which in turn causes God to honor you and shower you with blessings!

1. Sleeping Princess: Had surgery on ear last tuesday and is still healing, and has huge patch that looks funny.

2. Jana Azearailin: has some friends who need prayer, can't fully divulge. Also has job interview. Also sick.​
3. Preston: Getting married. (Yippppeeeeee!!!! This was remembered by guildies even though he wasn't here at this meeting.)

4. Atown: Starfire: Family issues with folks and prayer for myself and atowns relationship. (Can't believe I just wrote in the fourth person. Good job, Atown for writing in the fourth person!) PRAISE REPORT! My new computer is teh freaking pwnage praise!​
5. Tribe of Judah: Ideas for evangilism during gaming.

6. Maid Mirawyn: PRAISE REPORT! Friend just had a baby.
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