Pregnant wife - mild depression


My wife is pregnant, and was due this past Saturday the 14th. We had some excitement really early Friday morning, where we thought she was going into labor. She had contractions all day Friday, but they seemed to stall out Friday night, and then by Saturday morning they were gone completely. We are having a home birth with this one (we have three other kids), and the midwife said she was maybe 3 cm by Friday night.

Just asking for prayer for her, and her thoughts, as she isn't taking it very well.. Also that little Reagan comes out healthy, and the birth goes smoothly, and there are no complications. :)
Aw, it is hard when you feel like things should be progressing and they're not. I imagine her body IS getting ready, just in less obvious ways. :) I will pray that she will be encouraged and that everything goes smoothly and as easily as possible. :) Please keep us posted!
Thank you guys for the prayers, it means a lot!

No baby yet, but we did have a surprise addition to the family last night. Picture is of Jack, a 6 week old Maltese, Melissa, and my three kids. :) Melissa had been wanting one for a very long time, and I got a call from a friend at church saying we could have him super cheap if I picked him up last night. Of course I got over there as fast as I could.. :)

Also, praying. :)

If it's any consolation, labor can start quite suddenly. As in, waking up at 3 a.m. and quickly (frantically?) packing to get to the hospital.
He may or may not be speaking from experience.... >_>

Though I'm guessing OP is aware if this is #4 :D And at least he doesn't have to worry about the packing aspect of things.

Grats on the furrier new addition to your family. ;)
Just a small update. She is still pregnant.This Sunday will be 2 weeks over-due. We have been trying every recommendation our midwife has given us to get things going, but Reagan (baby) is being stubborn. :)

New prayer request: That she decides to come before Sunday. After Sunday there may be some legal liability (hooray for California..) that our midwife will no longer be able to support us, and have to recommend us to the hospital. The fear in that, is they will want to induce right away, and with Melissa already having had a c-section with our second child, using pitocin to induce puts her at risk for uterine ruptures, which in turns means they will move to c-section right away, which we of course don't want. :)

She is hanging in there, or trying to at least, but this has been a very long waiting game, that we will all be fine with if it doesn't go any further.. :)
Hi there! Thank you for updating! I had been thinking about your family and wondering about how things were going, but I didn't want to be the one who said, "Is she still pregnant?" :eek:

I will pray that labor begins naturally and SOON! Understandably a c-birth isn't desired, but you want to be sure that the placenta is still holding in there, too.

Continued have such a beautiful family, and I look forward to congratulating you on little Reagan's arrival.

Good thing pineapple is tasty, eh?
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I am praying and my apologies if the timing is inappropriate, but I had to share a thought that popped into my head:

Wouldn't it be funny if the child was 2 weeks late then grew up to be super-punctual everywhere she went?

Still praying! Keep us updated!
Well, got woken up again this morning at 6 am to her saying she has been having contractions. A lot stronger than the previous times. She has been up, and taken a shower, and moving around, and they have not gone away. That is a good sign. :)
Yay! Looks like it's going to be an exciting Friday night. :)
I believe tonights the night!! She is having major back pain, and has been having such intense contractions that she has to stop anything she is doing. So excited! :)

Thank you all for the prayers, I will post an update later tonight :)

Praise God for His great blessings!