PvP Friday - 15Dec06


Legacy of Elijah Officer
Once again it is Friday and I expect we'll be running in Heroes Ascent trying to get a few more fame to get a few more people up to rank 3. Start time is 10pm EST.

We've been running a searing flames build with a reasonable amount of success lately. Unless someone has a better build to suggest, we'll plan on sticking with this for now.

I have noticed the last couple nights in HA that people are starting to come up with a few good counters to SF and are playing quite tough. One effective techniqe is a ranger with QZ to increase energy cost, basically burning the ele's energy off because of spamming skills. The ritualist elite Consume Soul, could be a nice counter, but I'm not sure where to work it into the build. Then again, fire storm, bed of coals or some other damage over time (DoT) might be able to kill them off since they can't flee from it.
SF is the new IWAY in every possible sense, so I think we have to expect other teams to be prepared for it. I think there was a ritualist and a qz in virtually every opposing group we met last night.

I'm in favor of sticking with the SF build and trying to adapt it to be more competative, particularly while people are wanting more fame. But I'm not optimistic that SF can take halls like our MF build can. I'm hoping that after a while we can switch back to a MF focus, particularly if we don't manage to take halls with SF after a while.

Maybe an all Monk build lol!

I think I remember facing an all monk team once. They were tough to beat. I believe it was 4 or 5 Mo/E's who had obsidian flame to spike with. The other 2 characters would spread degen and damage around and likely were calling for a spike when they got a target below a certain point. I'd be up for a try at this sometime (I might even be able to try to get a few fame on my second account with that monk, no Nightfall with him though).

dorkelf said:
switch back to a MF focus

I'm willing to give MF another shot either tonight or with the "Team SoE" group on Tuesday. We really did OK with it, but the quick and easy fame with SF is a major lure, also saccing every night can be a drag. I do think we need to tune things a little bit. I think the last time we did it we added 1 SF ele to the team and the "spike" damage caused by the SF helped bring down the softened targets. Maybe when we do it we should try using the resmer as a WoH/HP monk and use one other heal and one paragon or Rit as a second heal with the last slot for damage deal/spike.
it looks like i may need some more faction...
anyway im up for anything, i know that one time we did face an all monk team and it was like a 5 second match... we got pwnd. Im always here
Gg and God Bless(s) :D