PvP/PvE Character Builds

Wow! That is a LOT of stances!

Anyhow, I found an interesting E/Me build while watching top guild battles.

I only saw 5 skills, but here they are:

Drain Enchantment
Rodgort's Invocation

This is the only pyro I've ever seen running the flags
Solo Trapper build for faction farming in Zaishen Challenge

Or, how to slaughter mesmers for fun and profit.

[EDITED 4/25 to correct errors]

This is a method I’ve developed for quickly and easily earning 1000 faction every day in the Zaishen Challenge area, all by yourself (with henchies). All it requires is an open PvP slot and a few thousand faction if you haven't already unlocked the requisite skills. If you don’t have the faction needed, you can earn it quickly by creating the prebuild IVEX trapper and joining along with trapper groups in Zaishen Challenge. Remember that your faction maxes out at 1k per day, so playing beyond this earns no further faction. Once you have 1k faction buy your Dust trap, and then the other stuff as you’re able to afford it. I’m also happy to team up with you and show you how it’s done – if you see either Eva Alexandria or Marquessa Adraea online, those are my solo-farm trappers.

Attributes –

Max out both Expertise and Wilderness Survival, and put the extra into Beast Mastery. You won't be using a bow, so you need no marksmanship.

Traps –

You only really need three traps - Dust trap, plus the two you start out with when creating an IVEX trapper (Barbed, Flame). You could also bring Spike if you have it, but crippling the mesmers mean they don't run back into your traps as frequently. :) I bring and use healing spring to ensure the mesmers don't miraculously manage to whack me or my henchies.

Spirits –

You have to have Energizing Wind, Quickening Zephyr and Frozen Soil. Three shall be the number of your spirits – no more, no less.

Other Skills – Take Serpent’s Quickness. Don’t bother with a res sig, or any attack skills.

Equipment –

Use a staff which provides the largest energy bonus possible. +15 energy is ideal, but even +10 should work just fine. If you’re creating a PvP character, be careful to select a staff instead of the bow! You need the energy and won’t have the marksmanship for a bow anyway. It doesn’t matter what else the staff does beyond and energy bonus, so it can be for any profession.

Strategy –

You will take all henchies except the healer. Click to enter the mission but don’t accept the defaults! For the arena, choose D'Alessio Arena (think it’s the 2nd or 3rd on the list), which ensures that your opponents will all arrive (and hit your traps) at the same time. Your opponent must be the illusionary weapon group (mesmers).

You will be in constant motion once you enter the arena, because you have to do all the trapping and spirits yourself. If you’re ever standing there doing nothing for more than 2 seconds from the beginning to the end, you’re doing something wrong. Be careful to do the following exactly as I’ve laid out:

1 – Immediately activate EW and then QZ spirits.
2 – Run straight forward to the door. Hit your Serpent’s Quickness, and then immediately drop all three of your traps – I drop the two inexpensive ones first, and Dust Trap last. Then hit your FS spirit.
3 – FS takes a long time to cast, so your inexpensive traps will now be fully recharged. Hit them again, and after they cast you’ll be able to hit Dust Trap a second time, followed by yet another barbed and flame. Then throw the healing spring up if you want (not 100% necessary, I think).
4 – As soon as the mesmers first hit your traps, call target on any mesmer, doesn’t matter which. This signals your henchies to attack that target and finish him off. Once that mesmer dies, target another one. Make sure there is always a mesmer targeted until they’re all dead. Let the henchies do all the running and chasing. Just keep calling targets and dropping more traps, because the fleeing mesmers will always turn back around and run right back into your traps again and again. The only rare exception is when a single surviving mesmer will sometimes flee and climb up the bluff. This is the ONLY case where you’ll ever have to leave the door and hunt a mesmer down.

I’ve never done a web search to see if there is a quicker or better way to farm than I’ve outlined above, but I can guarantee this as a foolproof method for quick daily faction-earning.

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For more info and detail on the IWAY build go to the team build thread

As for the detail on the IWAY warrior specifically:

one2dredd said:
IWAY Warriors
Two Edge of Extinction Warriors

Attributes are:

* 11 Strength (10+1)
* 16 Axe Mastery (12+1+3)
* 8 Beast Mastery


* 10 Strength (9+1)
* 16 Axe Mastery (12+1+3)
* 9 Beast Mastery

Skills are:

* Eviscerate (elite)
* Executioner's Strike
* Disrupting Chop or Distracting Blow
* "I Will Avenge You!"
* Charm Animal
* Tiger's Fury
* Edge of Extinction
* Resurrection Signet

These warrior/rangers with pets form the core of the IWAY team. Each IWAY warrior wears Gladiator's hauberk and leggings, and any of the other types of armor for boots and gauntlets. The usual IWAY warrior is an axe-warrior, bringing:

* Eviscerate (elite)
* Executioner's Strike
* Disrupting Chop or Distracting Blow
* "I Will Avenge You!"
* Charm Animal
* Sometimes Warrior's Cunning
* Sometimes Tiger's Fury for when no allies are currently dead.

----- you can use Distracting Blow, Pure Strike, and either Hamstring or Sever Artery or Savage Slash(based on your preference) instead of axe skills, for those of us with swords and not axes--
Each IWAY warrior carries a spirit or support skill. One usually carries Sprint for altar and relic capturing maps. This character can use Distracting Blow to stop any enemy Ghostly Hero who got there first from capturing the altar. The spirits commonly taken by IWAY warriors are:

* Predatory Season
* Edge of Extinction, usually taken by two warriors because these many IWAY teams depend on the damage caused by EoE.

Every IWAY warrior carries a longbow.
Shock Warrior Build (W/Ele)

distracting blow
bulls strike

axe helm
zealous axe
stoneskin gauntlets
knights boot
glad armor
stance shield

16 axe
12 str
rest air
or 10str 9 air and air offhand

The best chain for this build is to focus on distracting a skill. Once someone gets interrupted they will usually kite away. Hit em with bulls strike, then unload evis and exec. Once they get up hit em with shock, build up your adren, rinse repeat. If done perfectly, they shouldnt get a spell off for a good 7-8 seconds, along with the deep wound and frenzy damage 9 out of 10 cry irl. Dont abuse shock, exhaustion skills are only to put the nail in the coffin, i suggest using it only when evis and exec are up so you can get teh full potential out of your damage.
E Drain Mesmer used by Last Pride:

Me/E - Pride Eun Jong, Games 1 and 2 vs. iQ
Drain Enchantment
Energy Burn
Energy Surge
Mind Wrack
Shatter Enchantment
Signet of Weariness

Against iQ, The Last Pride used Drain Enchantment. Against War Machine, they used Arcane Thievery. Perhaps they expected heavier use of Enchantments by iQ. Arcane Thievery's random "theft" of skills makes it more a disruptive force than a counter focused on something in particular.

Me/Mo - Love Mi Ya, Game 1 vs. iQ, Game 1 vs. WM

Arcane Thievery
Draw Conditions
Energy Burn
Energy Surge
Energy Tap
Mind Wrack
Shatter Enchantment
Signet of Weariness
I do ettin runs with my R/W using only ranger skills.

Here's my build:

Wild Survival: 16
Marksmanship: 13
Expertise: 4

Key Skills
Barbed Trap
Ignite Arrows
Poison Arrow {elite}
Distracting Shot
Troll Unguent
Storm Chaser

Additional Skills
Power Shot
Favorable Winds

A longbow works best to pull the ettins in from out of your aggro circle. I use one with a poisonous bowstring to extend Poison Arrow.

I usually start in LA, but I hear it works well to start in D'Allesio Seaboard, but haven't tried since they put the Tengu back. I usually clear the way up since it goes pretty quick and the fire imps sometimes drop charcoal. I usually only need ignite and poison arrow until I get to the ettins.

Once I get to the ettins, I hit favorable winds if I have it, then move closer. I move close enough that they will wander into my aggro circle and/or I pull them with the longbow. I first lay the barbed trap and then ignite arrows, then pull with poison arrow. Especially with a group of 3 ettins, hit troll unguent while they run up and keep it up as much as possible. The most important part is to watch for healing signet and use distracting shot when the ettin uses it. Focus on one ettin until it goes down, one distract of their signet is usually enough to keep them from ever using it. Use storm chaser if things start getting bad to escape, I often need an escape after taking one of three out. Use power shot only once you are sure you have enough energy to hit the next troll unguent and distracting shot.

EDIT: An side advantage of Favorable Winds is that if it is close, sometimes the ettins will aggro onto the spirit instead of you allowing the ranger to stay alive longer while the ettin pounds on the spirit.
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JasonTheArgonaut said:
does anyone know a good ranger build angainst eles?

The elite skill Equinox (Cappable in the Sunjiang District mission, at the end) is a spirit that doubles the effects of Exhaustion. Add that to any existing ranger built, and you should be pretty effective.
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W/R Sentinal Armor Axe Ettin farm build

W/R with Sentinal Armor Ettin farm build:

First have a set of 100 lvl sentinal armor from Cantha. Requires 13 strength or higher for 100 lvl armor, otherwise -20 while below 13 strength.

Attribute points:
13 strength (sentinal helmet has +1, then put on a minor strength +1)
14 Axe mastery (can be axe, sword or hammer, superior rune)
4 Tactics (minor tactics rune)
8 Wilderness Servival
Spend the rest anywhere.

Cyclone Axe
Executioner Strike
Axe Twist
Penetration Blow
Distracting Blow
Troll Unguent (+7 health regeneration at 8 attribute points)
Healing Signet (+70 health at 4 tactics)

Superior Absorption
Superior Axe (or sword/hammer)
Superior Vigor
minor strength
minor tactics
Total HP: 455, total energy: 20 with +2 regeneration

Let your adrenaline fully charge all skills, then hit executioner, dismember, axe tiwst, and penetrating blow 1 after another. Distrupt healing signet with distracting blow when you can. Other wise if distracting blow is recharging, hit executioner strike when they use healing signet (most effective damage skill).

Use cyclone axe when you can, but make sure to save 5 energy to hit either troll unguent or distracting blow.

This build allows you to take on 3 ettins at a time without much problem, using troll unguent as much as possible and healing signet only when needed because you take 40 more damage while using healing and you only gain 70 health.

Path I take:

Start out in Beetletum:
follow dirt path strait, you will encounter 3-4 mergoyes in 1 group and trigger 2 possibly 3 aloe seeds. 4 tengu in 2 groups of 2. Fight all ettins in area, then sneek past tengu to next zone "North Kryta Province". Kill the ettins there, swing right and drop down hill (right of the valley) and up to the other hill. Dont aggro the tengu to the right, or any bog scales to right. No need to continue to lions arch, map to beetletum or backtrack Nebo Terrance to start over.
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55 Me/Mo UW Solo Build

I did not create this build. Credit is due to Avarre Mnestris. It is slow and takes some getting used to but it is effective for soloing the UW and with minor tweaks it can be used to farm anywhere where there isn't too much degen. For example: swap out Power Drain for Mantra of Flame if you want to farm Hydra's outside Augury Rock. There is a complete walk through available for this, pm if you are interested in it. Enjoy!

Illusionary Weaponry {E}
Sympathetic Visage
Essence Bond
Balthazar's Spirit
Healing breeze
Power Drain
Protective Spirit

Fast Casting: 5 +3 (sup rune)
Illusion: 12 +3 (sup rune) +1 (mask)
Inspiration: 2 +3 (sup rune)
Healing Prayers: 9
Protection Prayers: 8

Weapons: A +17% or greater enchant mod sword. One of the new ones from Factions with +5 energy works great. Or, in place of the sword you can use a Fiery Flame Spitter collectors axe with an enchant mod upgrade. Also a max dmg illusion cane is helpful.
Off hand: -50hp Grim Cesta from the Cities of Ascalon Quest
Armor: Any will do, Enchanters is the best for the extra energy, just make sure you have the five superior runes (excluding vigor of course!)
Vibro's Hundred Blades Random Arena Build

Hundred Blades
Sever Artery
Galrath Slash
Final Thrust
"To The Limit!"
Live Vicariously
Rez Sig

Healing: 10
Strength: 8 (7+1[minor])
Swordsmanship: 15( 12+2+1)
Tactics: 8 (7+1)

Basically live vacariously you cast on yourself, 12 health per hit you do, to kill monks, sever and gash em, if they put up reversal, hundred is perfect for seting up a major damage spike with gash + galrath + final, i have done over 120 damage on monks and up to 107 on warriors.
Ok, building a Warrior. I have been playing for about a year and just decided that I need to build charicters that people want and not what I like. mind you i will keep my Ele and Monk cause they are just fun.

Any suggestions on a secondary. I decided to run my warrior through the Prophecies campaign because of all the free skills from quests and not having to buy them like in factions then cross over into factions and buy the ones that I want
Sumo Supreme said:
Ok, building a Warrior. I have been playing for about a year and just decided that I need to build charicters that people want and not what I like. mind you i will keep my Ele and Monk cause they are just fun.

Any suggestions on a secondary. I decided to run my warrior through the Prophecies campaign because of all the free skills from quests and not having to buy them like in factions then cross over into factions and buy the ones that I want

I would highly suggest going with monk secondary at first. Monk secondary lets you bring rebirth, which is really, really valuable for PvE. It also allows you to solo Ettin farm once you're high enough lvl and have reached D'Alessio Seaboard. And whenever you find yourself in a party with a flaky healer (seems to happen more often than not in low level PuG's), you can bring a little healing to compensate.

PVE Mesmer Builds

At Michio's request, here is my Me/Mo Illusion build. I use this for just about anything PVE where I am not sure what I will encounter. It works great in the Southern Shiverpeaks, Jungle, and Perdition Rock (drops jade armors/bows fast) areas as well as some desert zones. The build is capable of a lot of armor ignoring spike damage which tend to be anti-melee in general, but even the caster mobs in PVE will try to wand you. There is probably a better way to do the attribute points, I tend to assign them like this because it maximizes your 200 points, with just 1 left over.

Fast Casting: 11 (10 + minor rune)
Illusion: 15 (11 + superior rune + mask)
Inspiration: 11 (10 + minor rune)

Ineptitude {E} - damage spike, blindness, interrupt attack
Clumsiness - damage spike, interrupt attack
Images of Remorse - spamable, damage spike, degen
Epidemic/Conjure Phantasm/Sympathetic Visage/Cap Sig - Utility slot. Epidemic spreads blindness from Ineptitude
Power Return - fast recharging all purpose interrupt
Power Drain - energy management
Inspired Hex/Mantra/Channeling - energy management
Ressurect - fast cast rezing which does not require points in another attribute

Enchanters armor for the energy. A 20% recharge pre nerf rockmolder and a dream haunter from factions would be the optimal weaponry.

When I know I will be relied upon for interrupting, like in THK for instance, then I will run the following Me/Mo Domination build:

Fast Casting: 11 (10 + minor rune)
Domination: 15 (11 + superior rune + mask)
Inspiration: 11 (10 + minor rune)

Mantra of Recovery {E}
Cry of Frustration
Power Return
Power Spike
Power Drain
Inspired Hex
Shatter Hex/Diversion

Enchanters set again. Not sure on the best staff or wand/focus.
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Reversal of Fortune
Mend Ailment
Mantra of Resolve[E]
Inspired Hex
Divine Boon
Contemplation of Purity
Res Sig

Inspiration - 10
Protection - 11 10+1
Divine Favor - 15 11+3+1
Do we have a non-Blackout E Denial/Interrupt build (mes, of course)?

I would prefer straight mes; I go Me/Mo, but usually just use a rez skill from monk. I can, however, do Me/R (though no R elites) as well.