Read any good books?


Active Member
Thought I would start up a thread where we could share what books (if any) you might be reading that have helped you in your Christian walk. :) So lets hear it, what's your fav and what have you currently been interested in?

Right now I am reading: "Could the Rapture Happen Today" - Mark Hitchcock
Some misc apologetic articles covering the resurrection of Jesus. :)
Well it wasn't recent but I read Dr. Wain(SP) Dyre's novel The Power of Intention. It helped me quite a bit. It covered why people get depressed and what can be done to increase the distribution of good feelings. He teaches that it is better to want and not have than to have and not want meaning that if you keep on and getting what you want then you will never be satisfied and if you want and not have then in the end you will have more than you could ever want. It helped me climb out of a very dark place in my life and inspired me to live by the word of God.
Currently reading Philosophical Fragments by Soren Kierkegaard. He published it psuedonymously under the name Johannes Climacus ("John of the Ladder").

It's very good. It has helped me tremendously in answering questions such as why a perfect God, who by definition needs nothing, would choose to love us knowing full well that such love could only end in disappointment and tragedy.
If you're interested in Christian scifi, Kathy Tyers' novel Shivering World is an interesting read. It deals with the challenges of an official and accepted church where heresy is orthodox, and what God really asks of those who earnestly seek him.

Also, there's a book thread in the SoE/SOE Main subforum.
Anything Ted Dekker, I have read most of his works, and really like them all...
Oh yeah, Dekker is great. If you like horror-thrillers but wish most of them weren't quite so explicit, I recommend House, written with Frank Peretti. Teens and up, though.

And speaking of his work! Even his series written for young adults is worth a read. And as a bonus, the hardcover for Hangman's Curse has a dust jacket with glow-in-the-dark ink. :)

Another author I recommend: David Eddings. (His later books are credited "David and Leigh Eddings.") The Belgariad and Mallorean, followed by Belgarath and Polgara, in that order. Otherwise...spoilers galore.
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Working on 3:16 by max lucado and defeating dark angels by Charles H. Kraft
For the Christian walk... Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller is my favorite book right now. It's excellent. I LOVE his work, I'm currently reading Through Painted Deserts.

I'm also reading The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning. Between Manning and Miller, I've really been rediscovering Christ and His love and grace lately.

As far as fiction goes, I second Peretti and Dekker. Obsessed was great, and This Present Darkness/Piercing The Darkness are classics. I'd also add Randy Alcorn to the list, his books aren't really sci-fi, but are very similar to Peretti/Dekker's writing style. I'd recommend Dominion to start with, it's definitely my favorite.
The Jesus of Suburbia by Mike Erre

The author is the teaching pastor at my church, and I've heard most of what's in the book for years in his messages, but it's a fantastic reminder to me of what's truly important in my life and walk with Jesus. The author's primary premise is that much of Western Christianity (first world, culturally Western, that is) has, to a large extent, lost sight of the Jesus of the Bible and replaced Him with a Jesus that is safe and comfortable to us, but lacks the life-changing and revolutionary impact of the true Jesus.

"Jesus is not vitally committed to our comfort and safety; he is committed to the advancing of his kingdom revolution in the hearts of people everywhere."

It explores where the mindset of the Western church has gone astray from leading us to live as true disciples, how we let Christianity get in the way of Jesus, and what it looks like for us to truly live in a way that impacts and redeems the world around us and puts God's kingdom on display for the those who don't know Him to see.
book I recommend

"Battlefield of the Mind" by Joyce Meyer

This book dredged me out of the blues, a host of negative thinking routines, and got me back on the path of Walking with Jesus.
I just finished "Magic of Recluse" by L.E. Modesitt. It was a pretty interesting read, though the author can get a little descriptive at times. I have to say I really dig the plot line though.

I am in the middle of the first book of the Dragonlance series.

I am also reading Vintage Jesus, the new book by Mark Driscoll. Interesting read. His sermons on the series were FANTASTIC and I highly recommend them. You can find them here. It answers just about any question you could think of about Jesus.

Right now I am on the book of Romans in the Bible.

And of course I am reading the book I am currently writing. It's AWESOME. It's about the elven lords of Seo-grith'narook stealing the sacred Yuvex from Malthrooook, the evil septer-wielding cal'ri of Xenxyl 6.
Mark Driscoll came to our chapel services at the college I attended a few years back. He was awesome. He really opened my eyes to the so-called "emerging church" problem that the church body is now facing. Anyways, his teachings are some of my fav past time listens.
I've been listening to the Dark Tower series, and the Jack Reacher series. I used to have time to actually read, but now I don't so books on tape are my best friends.