Redeemed, brothers and sisters, pray for me.


New Member
I'm going through a lot right now and I need a lot of help. I just have an unspoken prayer request for myself. Life in general is throwing me some struggles and I need His help.
Yeah, Mitch, I know. I almost called you last night but it was like 2:30 and didn't want to wake you or anybody else.
I'd be really grateful if you keep me in your prayers. He's calmed the storm in my heart but it still rages in my world.
Always remember: if our Heavenly Father is concerned about one sparrow that falls from the sky, He cares so much more for you! When we consider the cost of redeeming us, God will certainly hold back no less to see you through the situation life has you in now! And I am praying that is just what God does - hold nothing back to see you through!
Thank you so much for that, Sambeau. You have no idea how good it was to hear (read) that. I needed that so much.