Reflex test!

I got .19

SK|Heaton actually did this test and its said that he got .15 on it  
first game:268
second game:237
third game:217
fourth game:461 (I was distracted by pizza that round)
fifth game:223
sixth game:217

As you can all tell I have way to much free time, also, its a very adicting game.

/me runs off to test reflexes some more.
0.19 I'm so slow, no wonder goose always beat me in an awm fight
*wallows in self pitty*
rgr that. Only people that spend hours in front of a computer screen playing reflex based games could have reflexes like that.

funny huh

Actually i have always had naturally fast reactions. I won the whole class when we did the "dropping a ruler" experiment in biology. Surely you know that. One guy drops it and you catch it and measure how far it dropped using the scale on the ruler.
oh yeah .233 i have the slowest reaction time ever, shame on all of you who have died by my crosshair