

New Member
Hey all,

Just wanted to let people know that I took Refuge out of the guild. I know some people kinda new it was going to happen. I still wanted to play with RL friends that have left Redeemed so I took him since Redeemed really wasn't using him for tanking or healing. I am keeping Cassadine in the guild though since I still have so many friends here (RL and others). I'll still be on a lot with Redeemed so I'll definitely be around on Cass and sometimes my pally Retribution. I can still help with questions on feral druid stuff also so feel free to send me a tell. I can always bring Refuge still if we are short a tank for a raid or heroic also.

Boom, boom, boom, and another one bites the dust,, and another ones gone, and another ones, and another one bites the dust...

Cass, with you gone sometimes who is going to help me keep Mcfierces dps in check?....LOL Love ya bro,, go get em with Refuge wherever he is.