Remember when.....


Active Member
Stop it! You guys are getting me thinking about all those fun times in the past is making me teary.......

Maybe we should start a I remember when thread....
Okay, so Goblit wants to walk down memory lane....

Remember when Fj used to fool MC noobs with the "Hey you can see Rag from over here" line....
I remember when Icthus and I ran the "Race through the Ramparts" event with the guild! Mirakle's team won, I believe beating Mirakle's team 1 by 2 sec or something...

Pally tanks ftw hehe!
I remember my team came in a close second by 7 seconds or so..

Remember when there were only a handful of people in the guild.....
ahhh...Yea and Deamiter was Deamiter, Fj was Fj, and...Gnomegeddon was Gnomegeddon and Tree had only one account...and...and...I had a dwarf pally named Theros and.....Goblit was still a weee gnome..
Yes that feat of leveling was truly amazing, it seemed as if overnight he was 60.

I remember when Icthus got his epic land mount.
I remember when Paster/Reco first contacted me about joining Redeemed and he came on vent and we talked :)
I remember the late nigh raids with Redeemed and HK.

Wow good times.

Kinda makes me wanna come back! =O
I remember this:


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I fixed my post for graphic gone missing. I remember when we were doing a bible study in SW cathedral and a bunch of warlocks showed up trying to disrupt it with rain of fire and elementals.
Odd, I remember Gamor. And there are many day's I'd much rather see him in Guild again. I screwed that up, I hope I didn't screw him up :(
i remember all my stupid mistakes and all the people screaming at me when it was ACTUALLY foxbeasts fault but we wont go there
oo or the time we were doing VR and i was suppose to pull those birds and ever time i pulled one i died lol i had like a 20 death streak going on there