"Rise of the Bot Army" or "MOAR BOTS"


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
We're pleased to announce that the latest update to our Co-op vs. AI game mode will be arriving soon, featuring an onslaught of brand new bots. We'll be expanding our roster of AI opponents to 40 total bots, providing a much larger variety of enemy team compositions. That means new tanks, new mages, new carries and new support champions to battle when you take to the Field of Justice alongside your friends in the Co-op vs. AI game mode!
League of Legends - Rise of the Bot Army Preview

Bots in Dominion? YES PLEASE.

I may actually want to start playing more than once every two weeks now.
Renekton Bot and Nunubot are the only ones that matter though ;)

Curious to see how well they do with skillshots.
I'm loving the Dominion Bots and the extra bots available in general. Its been available for a while now. What does everyone else think?
Done some Dominion AI's for quick firstwins, been pretty fun, and they can certainly get some kills now. Two issues encountered:

1. Sometimes they'll get stuck in "try to cap point!" mode if the champion that's interrupting them is not nearby. Thus a single Heimer red turret on the edge of a point makes that point immortal until minions reach it, and Twitch can ult them from behind a wall for afk triple kills while the bots stand there waiting for their 5 second cooldown to reset.

2. Ashe sometimes replaces her Enchanted Crystal Arrow with "Enchanted Crystal Gatling Gun", firing an ult every 1 second rather than every ~75 seconds. She still missed with all 4 <_<
The new bots and the new map have gotten me into playing some Dominion games. I'm starting to like them quite a bit; they seem to go quicker and have the added dimension of needing to focus on something other than just killing enemy champs.
The new bots and the new map have gotten me into playing some Dominion games. I'm starting to like them quite a bit; they seem to go quicker and have the added dimension of needing to focus on something other than just killing enemy champs.

I agree with this, I've had some time to play around with the new bots and its given LoL some added life for me. Something different never hurts.
Another bug, sometimes the bots don't recognize when a player disconnects. They're supposed to leave one at fountain to balance it out, and they had the previous two times it happened, but not tonight :/