Scavenger Hunt Saturday!

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New Member
Saturday we're going to have our first of the month guild event, and we're doing a scavenger hunt! Those present will be divided up into teams, with levels evenly divided, and you will be sent off to find items from various places.

Each team will have a high level leader who will be given their list right before the event. I don't think we'll have any mages present that are high enough to transport, but that will be illegal anyway. Part of the reason for the hunt is for lower level players to grab the flight points in any destination they don't have one.

However, because of the length of this, we are considering canceling the higher level instance for Saturday. Feel free to give input.
BTW, I want to highly encourage everyone to use Teamspeak for this on Saturday. The different groups can each go in a different room, so the other teams won't hear your plotting, but part of our aim to is get to know each other better, and TS can really help that.
My Brother and my Wife do not have BC, and they both do not yet know if they are going to participate...
Be sure to go through the steps & register your name on the TS server. The thread that walks you through the steps is stickied.
OK, it's not a big deal, I was just curious. I have a long enough list that I can take out all the ones in Silvermoon/Ghostlands. And it's not like I'm going to send anyone to the new continent...
Alright, here's what's going to happen tonight:

I will split the teams, with the two highest players the team captains. The teams will be as evenly divided for levels as possible, so there will be an equal mix of high and low levels on each team. There will most likely be only two teams. After the teams have been divided, I will explain a few other guidelines, and then post the hunt list here in this thread, so anyone can look at it. A warning, I will probably also try to mix groups so people who don't know each other so well can get to know one another.

I highly recommend everyone get on Teamspeak, even if you don't have a microphone. You can still hear everyone and type your replies in WoW chat. Once the hunt begins, the teams can separate into different rooms.

Basic Rules:
-Mages may not use teleport (if we have any high enough)
-You may use thottbot, Allakhazam, or another search engine if you need to find something
-At each place, make sure your lower levels grab the flight point if there is one
I was going to go, but I have decided to head to bed a little early tonight because I am getting up early to get a Wii!
I forgot to mention: meet in Org.

On the off chance we have 2 port/summoners, I will allow porting, but I don't think we will.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner (UC)
Cairne Bloodhoof (Thunder Bluff)
Thrall (Org)
Thomas Yance (Old Hillsbrad Foothills)
Innkeeper Karakul (Swamp of Sorrows)
Brumn Winterhoof (Arathi Highlands)
Lard (The Hinterlands)
Pixel (Ashenvale)
Kil'Hiwana (Ashenvale)
Baron Revilgaz (STV)
Galamav the Marksman (Badlands)
Thalon (Desolace)
Rokaro (Desolace/Feralas)
Shyn (Feralas)
Zarise (Hillsbrad)
Baine Bloodhoof (Mulgore)
Elu (Needles)
Bragok (Barrens)
Shardi (Dustwallow Marsh)

Sitting/Standing on the Stands in Needles cheering a race
Lying on the ground spelling MSC
Fighting a mob (your choice)
Everyone dancing in a fountain
Everyone fishing
With a member of the Alliance
With a level 70 (cursor over them without removing interface)
Setting off fireworks in Moonglade

Most Creative Screen - special vote/special pize
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